CHAPTER 55 - 5COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. CANOSCAN D660U REV.0 JULY 2000 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)IV. CANON SCANNER TESTA. OutlineCanon Scanner Test is utility software to check if faulty scanner operation is due tohardware or communication with a host computer.* For WindowsScanTest.exe (Japanese/English is switched according to the language used in Windows.)* For MacintoshScantestD660Uj (Japanese)/ScantestD660Ue (English)B. Operating EnvironmentWindows platform1) CanoScan D660U2) PC/AT Compatibles (Pentium or faster is recommended.)3) Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System4) Scanner Device DriverMacintosh platform1) CanoScan D660U2) Power Macintosh3) Macintosh OS (Version 8.5 or later)4) Scanner Device DriverNote: Install the scanner device driver before using the Canon Scanner Test.C. Functions1. USB information (Windows only)Scanner information recognized by Windows.2. Scanner informationProduct ID, ROM version, etc. are shown when the scanner is properly communicated withthe host computer.3. Scanner self testScanner self test is performed.4. ScanAny image is scanned and saved as an image file in the same folder with the Canon ScannerTest.