42,6 x 104.4 x 31.4 mm (1.7 x 4,1 x 1.2 in,)SpecificationsApprox, 180 g (63 oz,)43 V DC, 1.5 A100 - 240 VAC (50/60 Hz)0.17 AOperating Temperatures:Rated In put:Rated Output:Dimensions:Weight:For operating instructions, please consult the operating instruc-tions for the digital camera.* Product specifications or appearance may change without notice,& Safety PrecautionsPlease read this guide before using the equipment.• Please see your camera user's guide to determine whether thisequipment is specified as the AC adapter for your specific digitalcamera, This equipment should only be used with digital cameras thatspecify its use,• Immediately unplug this equipment from the electrical outlet if it emitssmoke or strange smells, or otherwise operates abnormally, Continueduse under these conditions may lead to fire or electrical shock, Confirmthat the smoke or fumes cease, then contact the distributor or thenearest Canon Customer Support Help Desk for assistance with repairs,Do not attempt to repair the equipment by yourself. Unauthorizedrepairs are dangerous,• Unplug the equipment from the electrical outlet if it is dropped or thecasing is damaged, Please send the equipment to the distributor or thenearest Canon Customer Support Help Desk for repair Continued usemay lead to fire or electrical shock.• Immediately unplug the equipment from the electrical outlet if water orforeign objects are permitted to enter the interior Continued use maylead to fire or electrical shock, Please consult the distributor or thenearest Canon Customer Support Help Desk,• Do not cut, damage, alter or place heavy objects on the power cord,These actions may cause a short cirCUit, which may lead to fire orelectrical shock,• Do not unplug or handle the power cord with wet hands, It may lead toelectrical shock,• When unplugging the power cord, ensure that you grasp the rigidportion of the plug, not the cord, Pulling on the flexible portion of thecord may damage or expose the wire and insulation, creating thepotential for fire or electrical shock,• Do not disassemble or alter this equipment These actions could lead toserious burns or other injuries, fire, or electrical shock,• Avoid using or storing the equipment in places subject to strongsunlight or high temperatures, such as the dashboard or trunk (boot) ofa car The exterior casing may overheat and distort, Ensure that there isgood ventilation when using the equipment as an AC power supply.• When the equipment is not in use, disconnect it at both ends from thecamera and electrical outlet Left connected for long periods of time, itmay become overheated or distorted, leading to fire,The Canon Compact Power Adapter CA-P5500 is rated for inputvoltages ranging between 100 and 240 volts.This equipment can be used with Canon Power5hot 5100 DIGITALELPH or DIGITAL IXU5. Although the voltage rating on CanonPower5hot 5100 DIGITAL ELPH or DIGITAL IXU5 bodies is 3.6 V, thisequipment can safely be utilized to power them without problem.~~ : f-.J1BOg· iBSI;:J:b~~o)f±~c5J:a9i-iJl.O)-gBIcJ;-j7i§tcJ:LJI;:~~9~~StJ\ I::> *90:J::; H? r-H'J-Y:9'7:$7 -0)I&1::>f,&l, \1C::::::>l, \LlcJ;, 79:$7 J[;t.J)< 50)I&f&mBj]~~c:~<r.:~l,\0AE~.A.::tJ; AC 1 00-240V (50/60Hz)1 6VA ( 1 OOV) -26V A (240V)*~~ : 42.6 xl 04.4 x 31 AmmAE~I±I::tJ: DC 4.3V,l .5A· 2\S:mlH~~Mm~)Jmc:LJ "L~mc~~mlHI;:::>l,\"LIcJ;,c5~l,\0)7:J:$7 J[;t.J)< 50)I&f&mBj]~!rcc:~~~ < r.:~l, \omAE~n"Ll, \~l, \mlHI;:1cJ;~m LJ~l, \c< r.:~l,\0· ~tJ\I±I"Ll,\~,~~tJ\9~~CO)~~tJ\~~LJr.:~s, 9('1;:, ~)Jm75 ~:7'~:J ::;12::; r- tJ' S:!1il, \"L < r.:~l, \0~0)**~m9~c:,*~,~~O)mt~c:~b*90~tJ\I±I~<~~0)~~~LJ "LtJ'S, c5~J:ljl;:~:::>r.:ll.&7'CJi5*r.:lcJ;, =\=-i?./ ::;1f-t:::':A12::;:$7 -I;:~l!~iiXmLJ "L < r.:~ l, \0c5~~(;: J:~f~l!IcJ;1B~C9tJ' Sc5t->6b < r.:~l, \0· 2\S:mlH~~c: LJr.:b,9i-~~lilla~LJr.:~SIcJ;, ~;Jm75~7'~:J::;12::;r- tJ' S:!1il, \"L < r.:~l, \0c5~J:ljl;:~:::> rd'&7'CJi5, * r.:lcJ;=\=-i? ./ ::;1f- t:::':A 12::;:$7 -I;:f~l!~f1Xm LJ "L <r.:~ l,\0~0)**ffmLJrd~S,*~,~~O)mt~c:~b*90· 2\S:mlHr::Jl5BI;:**r.:lcJ;~!I@tJ\.A.:::> r.:~SIcJ;, 9 ('I;:, ~;Jm75 :7'~:J::;12::; r- tJ' S:!1il, \"L < r.:~l, \0~0)**~mLJr.:~s,*~,~~O)mt~c:tcJ:b*90c5~J:ljl;:tcJ::::>r.: ll.&7'CJi5 * r.:lcJ;, =\=-i? ./ ::;1f- t:::':A 12 ::;:$7-1;: c:im*§< r.:~'l, \0· ~Jm:J- t-:I;:ml,\tJO)~i£ttr.: 1::>, ~::>I:tr.: 1::>, ~f~ L, r.: 1::>, :!JOI L,~l,YC< r':~l,\o;,w~L,"L,*~,~~O)mt~(C::::~1::>*90· ;~nr.:~c~;Jm75:7'~:!1i~~L,LJtcJ:l,\c1::>*90· ~;Jm75:7'~:!1i< c:~IcJ;d~"9"75~:7'~~:::> "L:!1il,\"L < r':~l,\o~;Jm:J- t-:~5blcJ:~c:,iE\t'R0)~I±I,WTt'RtcJ:cc:J-t-:tJ\~::>~,*~,~~O)mt~c:tcJ:I::>*90· 2\S:mlH~S1M,~~LJ~l,\c~AA, *~, ~~, l:ttJiO)mt~c:~ b *90'~~B*0)9~V~m-t-:~cO)~;~IC::::~~c:L.a c~m 'f*~ LJtcJ:l, \c < r.:~l, \omlHO)9i-~tJ\AAI;:J:1::>~ff~9~L.c:tJ\ *9 0*r':,~Mm~;Jmc: LJ "Lc5~l,\I;:~~~1cJ;, J!t~ LJO)J:l, \C: L. a cc5~l, \< r.:~l,\0· ~m LJtcJ:l,\c:~IcJ;, t.J)< 5c:~Jm:J::;12::; r-O)j'ffij:$tJ'SIcJ;9"LJ"L < r.:~l, \0:fit~r.l]1DI:~ LJ "Lc5< C:, ~AA, ~ff~ LJ "L*~O)mt~c:~ I::> *90=\=-i? ./:r::rJH? r-H'J-Y:9'7:$7- CA-PS5001cJ;,=\=-i? F:Fr:J:$7 J[;t.J)<50)~Mm~;JmC: LJ "L~mC~*9 02\S:mlHIcJ;, 1 OOVtJ, S240V*co).A.::tJ~J±I;:~Jit LJ"Ll, \*9 02\S:mlHIcJ;, =\=-i?./ ::;IXY DIG IT ALI;:tJc:~ml;:~n*9olXYDIGITALO)2\S:1*I;:IcJ;,AE~~J±IcJ;r3.6VJC:~2~~n"Ll,\*9tJ\2\S:mlH~c5~l,\1;:tcJ::::> "LtJr,,'lm b *ttNo© 2001 CANON INC.PRINTED IN JAPANIMPRIME AU JAPaN0701CH14,3CDI-M003-02DFee NOIICEThis device complies with ?att 15 of the R:C Rules, Operation is sUbject to thetwo conditions;! 1HI'k Ii,~\!ir" may not cause harmful andthis device must accept any interference induding interference that maycause undesired op€faUon,Note: This equipment hils boon tested and found to comply with the iimits for class Bdigitilldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rul€5, These hmits are designed to provide reasonabk!protection against harmful interference in a residential installation, This equipr1'1¢ntgenerates, uses and can radiate radio freq\JCf1{)j energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may CilUSC harmful interference to radio communiCiltions,However, there is no gUilmntec that interference will not occur in il particular instilliation Ifthis equipment doos cause harmful interference to radio or tclevisioo reception, which Cilnbe determined by tuming the equipment off and on, the uscr is encouraged tu try to correctthe interference by one or ITIOl'C of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the antenna,• Increase the between receiver• Connect the into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver i, CQflnt;;l;U!(l,• Consult the dealer or an experienced radiolTV techniCian for help,Use of Cilble with the ferrite core provided with the Camera isto 8 limits In Subpatt 8 of Part 15 of the rules,Do not or mooificalion, otherwisespeofied in be made, you could berequired to stop operation oHile eoiuiprrwntcanadian Radio Interference RegulationsTHIS CLASS B DIG1TAL APPARATVS MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE CANADIANINTERFERENCE CAUSING EQWPMENi REGULATIONS,Reglementation canadienne sur les interferences radioCET APPAREIL DE LA CLASSE 8 RESPECTE roUTES LES EX1GENCES DUREGLEMENT SVR LE BROUiVlEUR DU CANADACANON INC,30-2, Shimomaruko 3-Chome, Ohta-ku,Tokyo 146-8501, JapanCanon*1'..I';J:J ';J J(? t-J(-:7 -7g'-;J~Canon Compact Power AdapterAdaptateur secteur compact CanonCanon Kompakt-Stromversorgungs-adapterAlimentador compacta CanonAdattatore di alimentazione compatto CanonCA-PS500