11 ImageBrowser Software GuideChapter 2What is ImageBrowser ? What Can ImageBrowser Do?This chapter explains the various basic skills required tomaster ImageBrowser. Let’s begin with an overview of the mainfeatures of ImageBrowser.By connecting a camera with your computer, you can:• View a list of images stored in the camera.• View information (shooting date and camera settings, forexample) about images stored in the camera.• Use your computer to set up a slide show or DPOF (printsettings) on the camera (available with some models only).• Import images stored in the camera to your computer.• Save images from your computer to the camera.By using the file management features, you can:• Categorize, regroup, and create an image database forimages stored in your computer.• Move or copy images.• Perform simple editing such as cropping images or adjustingtheir colors.• Run a slide show displaying the images in sequence in full-screen mode.• Use the TimeTunnel feature to display images in a tunnel-likearrangement in the order of their shooting dates.By using other applications:ImageBrowser gives you additional power when you use ittogether with the following applications. (You can start theseapplications from within ImageBrowser.)nPhotoStitch• You can use this application to stitch multiple imagestogether (which were split and shot individually) to form asingle, large size, panoramic picture.• You can stitch images horizontally or vertically or in a matrixformat.• When you shoot the surrounding in 360 degrees, you canlater stitch the images to form a 360-degree cylindricalshape. By saving this stitched image in QuickTime VRformat, you can then get a virtual view of the various parts ofthe image.nRemoteCapture• You can use this application to control the shutter operationof a camera connected through a USB port from yourcomputer (not available on some camera models).• You can specify the shooting interval and number of imagesto be shot, and then take images using interval shooting.