35WindowsENotes:About the other buttons• [SELECT]: You can select all of the images or deselect images, etc.[ROTATE]: You can rotate (90 degrees counterclockwise/90 degrees clockwise/180 degrees) the images.[IMAGE INFO]: You can confirm the number of pixels or the file size of theselected image.• You cannot use the [SETUP OPTIONS] and [CONNECT CAMERA] functions.• You cannot use the [SLIDE] function (to select images for inclusion in a slideshow) of the [SLIDE/DPOF] button.The ZoomBrowser EX Camera WindowWhen a connection is opened to a memory card in a camcorder, the card’s imagesdisplay as thumbnails in the Camera window.The buttons are activated when any images are selected.ThumbnailThe image is displayedreduced in size.Delete ButtonDelete selectedimages.Download ButtonLoad the selectedimages onto thecomputer ( 37).Upload ButtonCopy images from thecomputer onto thememory card ( 48).Print ButtonSelect the printingmethod: Layout or Index.