To help you make the best use of your cooker, PLEASE READ THIS BOOKLETCAREFULLY.Your new cooker is guaranteed and will give lasting service. The guarantee is onlyapplicable if the cooker has been installed in accordance with the InstallationInstructions.The cooker is designed specifically for domestic use and responsibility will not beaccepted for use in any other installation.When first using the cooker ensure that the room is well ventilated (e.g. open awindow or use an extractor fan) and that persons who may be sensitive to the odouravoid any fumes. It is suggested that any pets be removed from the room until thesmell has ceased. This odour is due to any temporary finish and also any moistureabsorbed by the insulation.3INTRODUCTIONOur policy is one of continual improvement in design and development,therefore strict accuracy of illustrations and descriptions cannot beguaranteed.This appliance conforms to the following EEC Directive:Gas Appliances90/396/EECLow Voltage Equipment73/23/EEC93/68/EECElectromagnetic Compatibility89/336/EEC92/31/EEC93/68/EEC