51. Bleeding screw2. Engine temperature sensorDrain the system completely and rein-stall the coolant drain plug.Pinch hose between radiator and ther-mostat housing with a large hosepincher (P/N 529 032 500) or an equiv-alent.CAUTION: Do not use vise-grip pli-ers to pinch hose. 5 1. Hose pincherFill the radiator until the coolant comesout by the thermostat housing hole.Install the bleeding screw then re-move the hose pincher.Complete the radiator filling.Check the level in the coolant reservoirand refill if necessary.Run engine at idle with the radiator capoff. Slowly add coolant if necessary.At this point, wait until engine reach-es normal operating temperature. De-press the throttle lever two or threetimes; then add coolant if required.Install radiator cap. Inspect all connec-tions for leaks and check coolant levelin the reservoir.Air FilterRemovalCAUTION: Never remove or mod-ify any component in the air filterhousing. Otherwise, engine perfor-mance degradation or damage canoccur. The engine is calibrated tooperate specifically with these com-ponents.Remove seat.Release clamps and remove air filterhousing cover._____________________ 123