Open Path Eddy Covariance System294.1.4.1 Collecting Data with One CardIf a single card is used to collect the data and the data on the card is not deletedafter copying it to the PC, the datalogger will append the data collected sincethe card was removed to the data file on the card. This means that the nexttime data is collected and converted from the PC/CF card, the last file in Figure22 will contain a complete hour of data.Before collecting data for the second and subsequent time, rename the lastpartial file from …_0700.dat to …_0700_1.dat. This will ensure that thecomplete version of this file is saved to the folder.CardConvert will not overwrite existing files within a folder. Instead, it willappend a “_n” to the filename, where n is a numeral. Figure 23 shows thename change to duplicate files. Note that the duplicate files get mixed in withthe original files within the folder. Rename the duplicate file using a group filerenaming utility. Specifically, find and replace the text “_1.dat” with “.bak”.Sort the files in the folder by extension and delete the “bak” files (see Figure24).FIGURE 23. List of Files Created by CardConvert with Duplicates