CS225 Temperature String2CS225 Temperature String1. IntroductionThe CS225 temperature string uses SDI-12 digital technology for simpleintegration and reliability. The CS225 consists of an arrangement oftemperature sensors mounted in rugged steel reinforced cable. Temperaturepoints are overmolded to provide long-term protection in all mediums. EachCS225 is manufactured to the client’s specific requirements and includes theSGB3 to provide electrical surge protection.Before using the CS225 please study: Section 2, Cautionary Statements Section 7.1, WiringMore details are available in the remaining sections.2. Cautionary Statements Although the CS225 is designed to be a rugged and reliable device forfield use, care should be taken when handling or moving it to avoiddamage. There are no user-serviceable parts and any attempt to disassemble thedevice will void the warranty. The CS225 must be used in conjunction with the SGB3 in order to protectagainst electrical surges.3. Initial Inspection Upon receipt of the CS225, inspect the packaging and contents fordamage. File any damage claims with the shipping company. Immediatelycheck package contents against the shipping documentation. ContactCampbell Scientific about any discrepancies. The model number and cable length are printed on a label at theconnection end of the cable. Check this information against the shippingdocuments to ensure the expected product and cable length are received. The CS225 is shipped with a SGB3, FIN4COND cable, and aResourceDVD.