Chapter 1: Product description System managementPage 1-19• SM Configuration: Configures authenticated SMs with MIR (Maximum Information Rate), High Priority, andVLAN (Virtual LAN) parameters from the RADIUS server when a SM registers to an AP.• SM Accounting provides support for RADIUS accounting messages for usage-based billing. This accountingincludes indications for subscriber session establishment, subscriber session disconnection, and bandwidthusage per session for each SM that connects to the AP.• Centralized AP and SM user name and password management: Allows AP and SM usernames and access levels(Administrator, Installer, Technician and Read-Only) to be centrally administered in the RADIUS server insteadof on each radio and tracks access events (logon/logoff) for each username on the RADIUS server. Thisaccounting does not track and report specific configuration actions performed on radios or pull statistics suchas bit counts from the radios. Such functions require an Element Management System (EMS) such as CambiumWireless Manager. This accounting is not the ability to perform accounting functions on the subscriber/enduser/customer account.• Framed-IP-Address: Operators may use a RADIUS server to assign management IP addressing to SM modules.SNMPThe management agent supports fault and performance management by means of an SNMP interface. Themanagement agent is compatible with SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using Management Information Base (MIB) fileswhich are available for download from the Cambium Networks Support website: Time Protocol (NTP)The clock supplies accurate date and time information to the system. It can be set to run with or without aconnection to a network time server (NTP). It can be configured to display local time by setting the time zone anddaylight saving in the Time web page.If an NTP server connection is available, the clock can be set to synchronize with the server time at regularintervals. PMP/PTP 450 platform devices may receive NTP data from a CMM4 module or an NTP server configuredin the system’s management network.The Time Zone option is configurable on the AP’s/BHM’s Time Configuration page, and may be used to offset thereceived NTP time to match the operator’s local time zone. When set on the AP/BHM, the offset is set for theentire sector (AP/BHSs is notified of the current Time Zone upon initial registration). If a Time Zone change isapplied, the AP/BHSs are notified of the change in a best effort fashion, meaning some AP/BHSs may not pick upthe change until the next reregistration. Time Zone changes are noted in the Event Log.An AP/BHM which is receiving NTP date and time information from an NTP server or from a GPS synchronizationsource may be used as an NTP server. Any client which has IP connectivity to theBHM may request NTP date and time information from the AP/BHM. No additional configuration(other than the AP/BHM receiving valid NTP data) is required to use the AP/BHM as an NTP server.