Page 10 Page 11Scale deposits should be removed from all internal surfaces, particularlythe heating element and thermistor. If the deposits are soft, use a nylonpad and Àush out. Abrasive cleaning materials containing scouringpowders and detergents must not be used, such materials can cause tasteproblems. Suitable chemical de-scalants must only be used in accordancewith the manufacturers recommendations. This will prevent health andsafety issues, taste problems and potential damage to the appliance. Alltrace of these chemicals must be removed from the appliance before re-commissioning the unit . Misuse of such chemicals is not covered by theproduct warranty.IMPORTANT Before re-commissioning the boiler it is important thatall scale and moisture is removed from the level sensors, to avoid afalse signal being transmitted through the scale to the boiler body.Failure to remove this scale and/or moisture could cause the sensorto indicate to the PCB that water is covering the element, whetheror not water is present. In this situation the PCB could energise theelement causing failure. If in doubt, protect the element by hand¿lling with water to the level of the draw-off tap before switching onthe electrical supply to the boiler.The printed circuit board (PCB) controls the heating and ¿lling functionsof the boiler by monitoring the thermistor and level sensors. The PCB alsocontrols the external light unit to indicate the current state of the boiler.Red and yellow LED’S on the circuit board indicate whether the PCB hasenergised the element or solenoid respectively.Should an element fail and need to be replaced, it may be necessary toreplace the lid gasket to ensure a reliable steam-seal. Note: the elementhas a permanent ‘Live’ feed, and the ‘Neutral’ is switched.Printed Circuit Board replacement (PCB)In the event of a PCB failing and a replacement being required, fullinstructions will be supplied. It is important to note however, that the TriacPCB must be securely mounted against the copper heat-sink to ensurereliable heat dissipation. Heat transfer compound is also supplied with allreplacement circuit boards.Adjusting the Water Temperature Set PointThe temperature potentiometer (Pot) is pre-set at Calomax and will onlyrequire adjustment in exceptional circumstances. Contact Calomax foradvice.Water boils at different temperatures depending on barometric pressure.The temperature should not be tuned higher than 98°C, or over boilingmay occur during low barometric pressure conditions, causing the unit totrip the overheat cut-out device.GENERAL FUNCTIONS