2017 Fitness SpaLTR20171005, Rev. DWater Claritywww.calspas.com38Testing For:Ideal Range (ppm)Minimum MaximumTotal Alkalinity 80 120Calcium Hardness 150 200pH 7.2 7.6Balancing the Total Alkalinity Balancing the Calcium HardnessBalancing the pHIdeal Water ChemistryTotal alkalinity (TA) is the measure of the totallevels of carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides, andother alkaline substances in the water. TA can beconsidered a “pH buffer”. It is the measure of theability of the water to resist changes in pH level.The recommended total alkalinity is 80 - 120ppmIf the TA is too low, the pH level will fluctuate widelyfrom high to low. Low TA can be corrected by addingan alkalinity increaserIf the TA is too high, the pH level will tend to be toohigh and may be difficult to bring down. High TA canbe corrected by adding an alkalinity decreaser.When the TA is balanced, it normally remains stable,although adding water with high or low alkalinity willraise or lower the TA level.Calcium hardness (CH) is a measure of the totalamount of dissolved calcium in the water. Calciumhelps control the corrosive nature of the spa’s waterand is why soft water is not recommended. The lowcalcium content of soft water is very corrosive to theequipment and can cause staining of the spa shell.The recommended calcium hardness is 150 -200 ppmIf the CH is too low, add a calcium hardness increaser.If the CH is too high, dilute the spa water with softwater.When the CH is balanced, it normally remains stable,although adding soft water or very hard water willraise or lower the CH level.The pH level is the measure of the balance between acidity and alkalinity.If the pH is too low, it can cause corrosion of metal fixtures and the heating element. Low pH can be correctedby adding a pH increaser.If the pH is too high, it can cause scaling by allowing metals or minerals to form deposits and stain spasurfaces. High pH can be corrected by adding a pH decreaser.Sanitizers kill bacteria and other organic waste by breaking them down to non-harmful levels and are filteredout. Before you fill your spa, you need to decide which chemical sanitizer you wish to use. Consult your Cal Spasdealer for the right decision with regards to your lifestyle and spa usage.We recommend either bromine or chlorine as your sanitizer. Both work well when maintained regularly.DO NOT use trichlor Trichlor is very acidic and the hot temperature of the spa causes it todissolve too quickly It will cause damage to your spa and will void your warrantyWhichever plan you decide on, follow it completely and don’t take shortcuts. It will provide you with clean, safe,clear spa water with a minimum of effort. Spa owners with an ozonator still need to use a chemical sanitizer.See page 40 for a description of how the ozonator works.SanitationUsing Chlorine as a SanitizerIf you choose to use chlorine as a sanitizer, only use granulated chlorine, not liquid chlorine.Once a week, check the chlorine level using either a test strip or a reagent kit. See the table on the followingpage for the ideal range. Add one or two tablespoons granulated chlorine to the spa water weekly. Note thatchlorine dissipation rate will be faster at higher water temperatures and slower at lower temperatures. Whenyou add chlorine, open all of the jets and run the spa at high speed with the cover open for at least 30 minutes.Follow the maintenance schedule on page 40.