Document type: Title: Revision date: Revision:User's Manual (MUT) Mod. V1724 8 Channel 14bit - 100MS/s Digitizer 06/11/2007 7NPO: Filename: Number of pages: Page:00103/05:V1724x.MUTx/07 V1724_REV7.DOC 63 46CAENVME_APICAENVME_IRQDisable(long dev, unsigned long Mask);3.13.14. CAENVME_IRQWaitParameters:[in] Handle : The handle that identifies the device.[in] Mask : A bit-mask indicating the IRQ lines.[in] Timeout : Timeout in milliseconds.Returns:An error code about the execution of the function.Description:The function waits the IRQ lines specified by Mask until one of themraise or timeout expires.CAENVME_APICAENVME_IRQWait(long dev, unsigned long Mask, unsigned long Timeout);