Playing a CD (Single CD Player)Remove the navigation map DVD from the slot andreturn it to its case. Insert a CD partway into the slot,label side up. The player will pull it in.There will be a 12 to 15 second delay while the CD isread, before it begins to play. When the player beginsto read a CD, the Disc Check in Process messagewill appear briefly to remind you of the delay. Whenthe map DVD is reinserted and read, the DVD Checkin Process message will appear briefly to remind youof the delay.If the ignition or radio is turned off with a CD in the player,it will stay in the player. when the ignition or radio isturned on, the CD will start playing where it stopped,if it was the last selected audio source.If playing a CD-R the sound quality may be reduced dueto CD-R quality, the method of recording, the quality ofthe music that has been recorded, and the way the CD-Rhas been handled. There may be an increase in skipping,difficulty in finding tracks, and/or difficulty in loading andejecting. If these problems occur, check the bottomsurface of the CD. If the surface of the CD is damaged,such as cracked, broken, or scratched, the CD will notplay properly. If the surface of the CD is soiled, see “Careof Your CDs” in the Index of your vehicle’s owner manual.If there is no apparent damage, try a known good CD.Notice: If you add any label to a CD, insert morethan one CD into the slot at a time, or attempt to playscratched or damaged CDs, you could damage theCD player. When using the CD player, use only CDsin good condition without any label, load one CD at atime, and keep the CD player and the loading slot freeof foreign materials, liquids, and debris.Do not add any label to a CD, it could get caught in theCD player. If a CD is recorded on a personal computerand a description label is needed, try labeling the topof the recorded CD with a soft marker instead.If an error appears on the display, see “CD Messages”later in this section.While playing a CD in the CD player, the navigationsystem is not available. A message will display if theNAV key is pressed. If your vehicle is equipped withRear Seat Entertainment (RSE), you can play an audioCD while using the navigation system. See Rear SeatEntertainment System on page 3-14 for more information.3-10