Black plate (32,1)Cadillac DTS Navigation System - 201132 Infotainment SystemIf you have used the scroll feature toscroll the map and your vehicle iconbecomes lost, press the NAV(Navigation) control button to returnto the current vehicle location onthe map.You can use the scroll feature onthe map to set a destination. See“Pick from Map” under Destinationon page 37 for more information.When scrolling on the map without aplanned route, press the Go screenbutton to calculate the route fromyour current position to thedestination mark.Navigation SymbolsThe following symbols are the mostcommon symbols that will appear ona map screen.Your vehicle is shown as thissymbol. It indicates the currentposition and heading direction ofyour vehicle on the map.The destination symbol will appearon the map, after a route has beenplanned, marking your finaldestination.The waypoint symbol will display onthe map after a waypoint has beenadded to your route.The waypoint symbol will benumbered from one through threedepending on how manyintermediate waypoints havebeen set.The distance to destination symbolindicates the distance to your finaldestination.It only appears when you arescrolling on the map.