Black plate (17,1)Cadillac CTS Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-MidEast-8087697) - 2015 -crc - 6/17/14In Brief 1-17Parking AssistIf equipped, Rear ParkingAssist (RPA) uses sensors on therear bumper to assist with parkingand avoiding objects while inR (Reverse). It operates at speedsless than 8 km/h (5 mph). RPA maydisplay a warning triangle on theRear Vision Camera screen and agraphic on the instrument cluster toprovide the object distance. Inaddition, multiple beeps or seatpulses may occur if very close to anobject.The vehicle may also have the FrontParking Assist system.See Assistance Systems for Parkingor Backing on page 9-42.Automatic ParkingAssist (APA)If equipped, the APA system helpsto search for and maneuver thevehicle into parallel or perpendicularparking spots using automaticsteering, DIC displays, and beeps.When the vehicle speed is below30 km/h (18 mph), press the APAbutton, O, to enable the system.See “Automatic Parking Assist(APA)” under Assistance Systemsfor Parking or Backing onpage 9-42.Rear Automatic Braking(RAB) SystemIf the vehicle has Adaptive CruiseControl (ACC) it also has the RearAutomatic Braking (RAB) system,which is designed to help avoid orreduce the harm caused by backingcrashes when the vehicle is shiftedinto R (Reverse). If the systemdetects the vehicle is backing toofast to avoid a crash with a detectedobject behind your vehicle in yourpath, it may automatically brakehard to a stop.See Assistance Systems for Parkingor Backing on page 9-42.Active EmergencyBraking SystemIf the vehicle has Adaptive CruiseControl (ACC) it also has the ActiveEmergency Braking System, whichincludes Intelligent BrakeAssist (IBA) and the AutomaticCollision Preparation (ACP) System.These systems can provide a boostto braking or automatically brake thevehicle to help avoid or lessen theseverity of crashes when driving in aforward gear.See Active Emergency BrakingSystem on page 9-51.Power OutletsAccessory power outlets can beused to plug in electrical equipment,such as a cell phone or MP3 player.The vehicle has three 12-voltaccessory power outlets:. Inside the center consolestorage in front of the armrestcover.