C T SSUNROOF (if equipped)The control switch for the sunroof islocated on the overhead console. Itwill operate only while the ignition ison or Retained Accessory Power isactive.Sunshade: Press and hold the frontof the switch (1) to open thesunshade; or the rear of the switch(1) to close the sunshade.The sunshade will express open ifyou briefly press the button andreleaseSunroof: Press and hold the front ofthe switch (2) to vent the sunroof.From the vent position, press andhold the front of the switch (2) toopen the sunroof. Press and hold therear of the switch (2) to close thesunroof from either position.The sunroof will express open if youbriefly press the button and release.ULTRASONIC REAR PARKINGASSISTThis feature uses ultrasonic sensorson the rear bumpers to help youavoid colliding with objects whenparking the vehicle. It operates onlyat speeds less than 5 mph (8 km/h).The rear parking assist display islocated near the rear window andprovides the following indicators:• At distances between 40 inches(1 m) and 8 ft. (2.5 m), a singleamber light will come on.• At distances between 23 inches(0.6 m) and 40 inches (1 m), twoamber lights will come on.• At distances between 12 inches(0.3 m) and 23 inches (0.6 m),three lights (amber/amber/red)will be on.• At distances less than 12 inches(0.3 m), a beeping sound willrepeat for a short time and allthree lights (amber/amber/red)will flash.The system can be disabled throughthe Driver Information Center (DIC).See your Owner Manual for moreinformation.SETTING THE CLOCKThe clock adjustment buttons arelocated on the instrument panelbelow the clock face. Press and holdthe right button to move the clockhands forward or the left button tomove the clock hands backward.Holding the button causes the handsto move quickly. Press and releaseeither button to adjust the time inone minute increments.2170520_08a_CTS_QRG_062207.qxp:CTS 2007 A 6/22/07 4:17 PM Page 10