INTRODUCTIONPage 1 - 1CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONThe Cabletron Systems Installation Guide for F3019, F3059, F3069,F3079, and F7019, F7059, F7069, and F7079 FDDI Adapters is asimple installation and reference guide for the Cabletron SystemsMicro Channel and EISA architecture compatible FDDI networkadapters. The FDDI network adapters connect your Micro Channelor EISA Bus compatible computer to a dual ring Fiber DistributedData Interface network employing Multimode Fiber, Single ModeFiber, or 100 Megabit FDDI Over Copper technologies.You should read through this manual to gain a full understandingof the capabilities of the Cabletron Systems FDDI networkadapters.1.1 USING THIS MANUALThis manual is structured so that you can follow sequentialchapters as you install and test the Cabletron FDDI networkadapters.Chapter 1, Introduction, discusses the capabilities of the CabletronSystems FDDI network adapters. A Technology Overview explainsbriefly the technology of transmission of FDDI Over Coppertwisted pair wire.Chapter 2, Installing the Adapters, contains instructions forinstalling the network adapters in a Micro Channel or EISA Buscompatible computer.Chapter 3, Network Connections , provides instructions forconnecting the network adapter to the FDDI network.Appendix A, FDDI Media Specifications, lists the specificationsfor Multimode Fiber cable, Single Mode Fiber cable, and FDDIOver Copper twisted pair media.