16 - ENG PN 15062781 F | User ManualCompanion 5TroubleshootingIt is recommended that you contact your healthcareprovider if your concentrator displays any alarmsor if you feel that your concentrator is not workingproperly. You should not attempt to repair the con-centrator yourself. Repair should only be performedby a trained service technician. However, there aresome troubleshooting steps that you can take if youexperience problems with your CAIRE Companion5. They are outlined in the following table. Youcan use this chart by following the checks for yourproblem in numerical order.User Troubleshooting TableProblem Possible Cause Your ActionThe concentra-tor is turnedon, but it isnot running.1. The electrical cord is not pluggedin to an outlet.1. Plug in the electrical cord.2. The electrical outlet is not provid-ing power.2. Check your household fuse and circuit. Try adifferent outlet.3. Internal failure. 3. Connect to a back-up oxygen supply. Contact yourhealthcare provider immediately.You are expe-riencing lowor no oxygenflow.1. The flow control setting has beenchanged.1. Verify that the flow control knob is set on yourappropriate Liter Per Minute (LPM) setting prescribedby your doctor.2. Tubing has been disconnected.2. Verify that the tubing is tight at all connections(outlet barb, humidifier bottle, water trap, etc). Re-se-cure any connections if necessary.3. The oxygen tubing or cannula iskinked.3. Check for kinks or blockages in your tubing. Repairif needed.4. There is a leak in your cannulaor tubing.4. Inspect all tubing and the cannula for leaks. Youcan do this by either listening or feeling for escapingair. Replace leaky tubing or cannula.5. Air flow into the concentrator isimpeded.5. Verify that nothing is blocking the inlets of theconcentrator. Be sure it is at least 12 inches (30 cm)away from furniture, walls, or other obstructions.6. Internal failure. 6. Connect to a back-up oxygen supply. Contact yourhealthcare provider immediately.Note: If your Companion 5 is still alarming after using the Alarm Conditions and Troubleshooting tables,please contact Technical Service at 1-800-482-2473 with the alarm code displayed on the LCD Display.