Oxygen ConcentratorPN 14940837 B — 19Maintenance–PatientClean and Care for Tubing andCannulaProvide your patient instructions on cleaning, disinfection and/orreplacement information for the tubing and cannula.Clean the CabinetTo clean the cabinet do the following:1. Turn OFF the Companion 5 and disconnect from AC powerbefore any cleaning or disinfection activity.2. Use mild detergent and water solution.3. Use a damp (not soaking wet) cloth or sponge.4. Spray or wet the cloth or sponge with the mild detergentsolution. DO NOT spray the cabinet.5. Wipe down the cabinet.6. To disinfect the Companion 5, use Lysol® Brand II disinfec-tant (or equivalent). Spray or wet a cloth or sponge withthe disinfectant. DO NOT spray the cabinet or the LED/LCDdisplay. Proceed as directed by the manufacturer.Patient Training ChecklistUse the following checklist as a guide to assist in setup and training a patient on the use of the Companion 5 and its accessories.Patient Name:Companion 5 Serial #:Training Topic InitialsPre-Delivery Check ListIndications for UseContraindicationsBasic Concept TrainingAdvise to read the Users ManualSafety Guidelines and Operational Safety Warnings/CautionsLocating the Companion 5IndicatorsAlerts and AlarmsCompanion 5 MaintenanceClean and Care for the Cannula per manufacturer’s instructions.Clean the Cabinet as needed.Schedule PM every 2 yearsTrained By: Date: