18BurBurBurBurBurglarglarglarglarglar y Alary Alary Alary Alary AlarmsmsmsmsmsBurglary alarms are the second priority. When a burglarypoint activates while the system is armed, thecommand center emits a steady high-pitched burglarytone. The tone sounds for the time set by your securitycompany.The keypad display shows the number of burglary pointsactivated (A1 ## ALARMSA1 ## ALARMSA1 ## ALARMSA1 ## ALARMSA1 ## ALARMS) and then custom text foreach activated point. Press NEXTNEXTNEXTNEXTNEXT to manually scrollthe list if you wish. Events scroll from the oldest tothe newest.Silencing BurSilencing BurSilencing BurSilencing BurSilencing Burglarglarglarglarglary Alary Alary Alary Alary AlarmsmsmsmsmsEntering a personal passcode with the proper authoritylevel silences a burglary alarm and disarms the systemif it is armed. The system now displays ALARMALARMALARMALARMALARMSILENCEDSILENCEDSILENCEDSILENCEDSILENCED and then the number of points in alarm(A1 ## ALARMSA1 ## ALARMSA1 ## ALARMSA1 ## ALARMSA1 ## ALARMS) and the custom text of all the pointsin alarm, in the order of occurrence. EnteringCOMMAND 4 clears the scrolling point text from thedisplay. The ALARM SILENCEDALARM SILENCEDALARM SILENCEDALARM SILENCEDALARM SILENCED message continuesto scroll as a reminder that it is still possible to viewthe text of the points in alarm by using the View Memoryfunction.See VIEW MEMORY?VIEW MEMORY?VIEW MEMORY?VIEW MEMORY?VIEW MEMORY? (COMMAND 4 0) for moreinformation. To clear the event memory and removethe ALARM SILENCEDALARM SILENCEDALARM SILENCEDALARM SILENCEDALARM SILENCED message from the display, entera valid passcode and press the ESCESCESCESCESC key, or re-arm thearea.