Programmes en19Programme Use Programme se-quenceFavouriteNote: The relatively long running timein the Eco 50 ° programme is due tolonger soaking and drying times. Thisresults in optimal consumption val-ues.6.1 Information for test insti-tutesTest institutes are provided with in-formation for comparability tests, e.g.according to EN60436.These are the conditions for conduct-ing the tests, however they are notthe results or consumption values.Request by e-mail to:dishwasher@test-appliances.comThe product number (E-Nr.) and theproduction number (FD) are requiredhere. They can be found on the rat-ing plate on the appliance door.6.2 FavouriteYou can save a combination of a pro-gramme and an additional function tothe button.Save the programme via theHome Connect app.The pre-rinse program is saved tothis button at the factory. Pre-rinse issuitable for all types of tableware.The tableware undergoes intermedi-ate cleaning via cold rinsing.When programmes have been down-loaded and on delivery of the appli-ance, the name of the programmewill be displayed in the app. The dis-play alternately shows "APP" and theremaining running time.Tips¡ You can use the Home Connectapp to download additional pro-grammes and save them to thebutton.1¡ To reset the programme to thePre-rinse programme stored at thefactory, use the Home Connectapp 1 or reset your appliance tothe factory settings.1 Depending on the appliance specifications