Dishwasher Cycle Options en-us310 Dishwasher CycleOptionsDishwasherCycleOptions DelayAllows you to delay the start time ofyour dishwasher up to 24 hours.ExtraScrubThis option increases pressure andtemperature in the lower rack forintensive cleaning.SpeedPerfect™*SpeedPerfect™ is an option thatallows saving time without sacrificingwash and dry performance. Selectingthis option ensures the same finaltemperatures as the underlying cycleby starting the heat period at anearlier phase in the program.Selecting this option also increasesenergy consumption while reducingcycle time.Half LoadCan reduce water consumption whenwashing small, lightly soiled loadsthat fill approximately half of thedishwasher’s capacity.DelicateThis option’s reduced time andtemperature are best for lightly soileditems with easy to remove food soils.The option also reduces thelikelihood of cloudy glasses. Rinseaid is recommended for the highgloss drying function (even whenusing combination detergents).SanitizeIncreases the temperatures andretains them for an extra long time toobtain a defined disinfectingperformance. Continuous use of thisfunction increases the hygiene status.This additional option is ideal forcleaning items such as choppingboards and baby bottles.The sanitize LED will light whensanitation requirements are met.Using the Sanitize option may alsoimprove drying. There is a slightincrease in energy consumption.Extra DryAn increased temperature during thefinal rinse and an extended dryingphase ensure that plastic parts drybetter. There is a slight increase inthe energy consumption.