Statement of Limited Product Warranty en-us53Warranty ExclusionsThe warranty coverage describedherein excludes all defects ordamage that are not the direct faultof BSH, including without limitation,one or more of the following:■ Use of the Product in anythingother than its normal, customaryand intended manner (includingwithout limitation, any form ofcommercial use, use or storage ofan indoor product outdoors, useof the Product in conjunction withair or water-going vessels);■ Any party’s willful misconduct,negligence, misuse, abuse,accidents, neglect, improperoperation, failure to maintain,improper or negligent installation,tampering, failure to followoperating instructions,mishandling, unauthorized service(including self-performed “fixing”or exploration of the appliance’sinternal workings);■ Adjustment, alteration ormodification of any kind;■ A failure to comply with anyapplicable state, local, city, orcounty electrical, plumbing and/orbuilding codes, regulations, orlaws, including failure to install theproduct in strict conformity withlocal fire and building codes andregulations;■ Ordinary wear and tear, spills offood, liquid, greaseaccumulations, or othersubstances that accumulate on,in, or around the Product;■ Any external, elemental and/orenvironmental forces and factors,including without limitation, rain,wind, sand, floods, fires, mudslides, freezing temperatures,excessive moisture or extendedexposure to humidity, lightning,power surges, structural failuressurrounding the appliance, andacts of God.In no event shall BSH have anyliability or responsibility whatsoeverfor damage to surrounding property,including cabinetry, floors, ceilings,and other structures or objectsaround the Product. Also excludedfrom this warranty are Products onwhich the serial numbers have beenaltered, defaced, or removed; servicevisits to teach you how to use theProduct, or visits where there isnothing wrong with the Product;correction of installation problems(you are solely responsible for anystructure and setting for the Product,including all electrical, plumbing orother connecting facilities, for properfoundation/flooring, and for anyalterations including without limitationcabinetry, walls, floors, shelving,etc.); and resetting of breakers orfuses.TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW,THIS WARRANTY SETS OUT YOUREXCLUSIVE REMEDIES WITHRESPECT TO PRODUCT, WHETHERTHE CLAIM ARISES IN CONTRACTOR TORT (INCLUDING STRICTLIABILITY, OR NEGLIGENCE) OROTHERWISE. THIS WARRANTY IS INLIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.ANY WARRANTY IMPLIED BY LAW,WHETHER FOR MERCHANTABILITYOR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE, SHALLBE EFFECTIVE ONLY FOR THEPERIOD THAT THIS EXPRESSLIMITED WARRANTY IS EFFECTIVE.IN NO EVENT WILL THEMANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FORCONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, “BUSINESSLOSS”, AND/OR PUNITIVEDAMAGES, LOSSES, OR EXPENSES,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATIONTIME AWAY FROM WORK, HOTELSAND/OR RESTAURANT MEALS,REMODELLING EXPENSES INEXCESS OF DIRECT DAMAGESWHICH ARE DEFINITIVELY CAUSED