612017-04-03_CE-Declaration Vers.2.3EC Declaration of ConformityEF Overensstemmelseserklæringaccording to EC directive 2006/42/EC on machinery (Annex II A)ifølge EF Direktivet 2006/42/EF (bilag ll A)Name and address of the manufacturer:Navn og adresse på fabrikant:Hermann Hartje KG, Deichstr. 120 – 122, 27318 Hoya/Weser, GermanyThis declaration relates exclusively to the machinery in the state in which it was placed on the market,and excludes components which are added and/or operations carried out subsequently by the final user.The declaration is no more valid, if the product is modified.Denne deklaration vedrører udelukkende maskiner, som er i original tilstand, som da de blev indført på markedet,og hermed ikke de dele, som er tilføjet/skiftet senere af slutbrugeren. Denne deklaration er ikke længere gyldig,såfremt produktet er blevet ændret.Herewith we declare, that the product described belowHermed erklærer vi, at nedenstående produktE-Bike CONWAY EMF 327, EMF 427, EMF 527, EMR 227, EMR 327, EMR 329, EMR 427, EMR 429,EMR 527, EMR 529, EMR 627, EMR 629, EMR Urban, EMR Urban S and EMRetro RaceECC 300, EMC 327, EMC 427, EMC 429, EMC 527 and EMR Urban CModelyear 2017 + battery chargeris complying with all essential requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and Directive2004/108/EC relating to electromagnetic compatibility.opfylder alle relevante krav ifølge Maskindirektivet 2006/42/EF, samt Direktivet 2004/108/EF om elektromagnetiskkompatibilitet.The following technical standards were used:De følgende tekniske standarder er brugt:DIN EN ISO 4210:2014 Cycles -- Safety requirements for bicyclesDIN EN 15194:2009-06(D) Electrically power assisted cycles (EPAC)DIN EN 61000:2007-09(D) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Hoya/Weser, April 2017----------------------------------------------------Head of Quality Assurance:Martin Claus, Tel.: +49 4251 811 558martin.claus@hartje.de-----------------------------------------------------Product Management CONWAY:Thomas Farbacher, Tel.: +49 6391 910 7000thomas.farbacher@hartje.deDeclaration of conformity