84 en | Advanced Mode IP Camera 200 SeriesAR18-09-B003 | v1.1 | 2010.05 Installation and Operation Manual Bosch Security Systems6.9 Service6.9.1 MaintenanceFirmwareThe camera functions and parameters can be updated byuploading new firmware. To do this, the latest firmwarepackage is transferred to the device via the network. Thefirmware is installed there automatically. Thus, a camera can beserviced and updated remotely without requiring a technicianto make changes to the device on site. The latest firmware canbe obtained from your customer service center or from theBosch Security Systems download area.To update the firmware:1. First, store the firmware file on your hard disk.2. Enter the full path for the firmware file in the field or clickBrowse to locate and select the file.3. Click Upload to begin transferring the file to the device.The progress bar allows monitoring of the transfer.The new firmware is unpacked and the Flash memory isreprogrammed. The time remaining is shown by the messageService> Maintenance> System OverviewCAUTION!Before starting a firmware update, make sure to select thecorrect upload file. Uploading the wrong files can result in thedevice no longer being addressable, requiring it to be replaced.Do not interrupt the firmware installation. Even changing toanother page or closing the browser window leads tointerruption. Interruption may lead to faulty coding of the Flashmemory. This can result in the device no longer beingaddressable, requiring it to be replaced.