Bosch HK050-1XXX-RE Installation Instructions Manual
6 720 220 328 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 05-1312HK series InstallationBy adding electrical heaters, the electricaldemand may change quite significantly. Theexisting wires between the circuit panel andthe air handler may not be sufficient and mayneed to be replaced. Verify the breaker isappropriately sized for the new electrical loadalso. See the data tag label that was includedwith the heater kit or at the end of the manualfor the appropriate wire and breaker size forthe amount of electric heat that is beinginstalled. If the electrical load surpasses therating of the breaker and/or wire size, add aseparate circuit at the breaker panel, and runnew wire.Units with 5, 7.5, or 10 kW electricalHeater elements (HK050, HK075, HK100)a. Reconnect the two line voltage wires that weredisconnected in Step 1(d) to the powerterminal block in the heater electrical box.Torque to 22 in-lbs.b. Reconnect the ground wire that wasdisconnected in Step 1(d) to the ground lug inthe heater electrical box. Tighten with ascrewdriver.c. There are two black wires connected to thepower terminal block in the heater electricalbox with female quick connection terminals.Route these two wires from the heaterelectrical box to the air handler electrical box.Connect the two wires to the male quickconnection terminals on the blower motorpower terminal block . Ensure that the wirefrom the heater electrical box that is connectedto “L1” side is also connected to “L1” side ofthe blower motor terminal block in the airhandler electrical box and “L2” is connected to“L2”.d. Reference the appropriate wiring diagram atthe end of this manual to ensure that allconnections have been made and are correct.Units with 15 or 20 kW electrical Heaterelements (HK150, HK200)a. Reconnect the two line voltage wires that weredisconnected in Step 1(d) to the power fuseblock in the heater electrical box. Use thefollowing torques when tightening the linevoltage wires:• 0/2 AWG 120 in-lbs• 8 AWG 40 in-lbs• 10-14 AWG 35 in-lbsb. Reconnect the ground wire that wasdisconnected in Step 1(d) to the ground lug inthe heater electrical box. Tighten with ascrewdriver.c. Ensure that all fuses are accounted for (2 x 30amp + 2 x 60 amp for 15kW & 4 x 60 amp for20kW), and are securely fastened in the fuseblock.d) There are two black wires connected to thepower fuse block in the heater electrical boxwith female quick connection terminals. Routethese two wires from the heater electrical boxto the air handler electrical box. Connect thetwo wires to the male quick connectionterminals on the blower motor power terminalblock. Ensure that the wire from the heaterelectrical box that is connected to “L1” side isalso connected to “L1” side of the blower motorterminal block in the air handler electrical boxand “L2” is connected to “L2”e) Reference the appropriate wiring diagram atthe end of this manual to ensure that allconnections have been made and are correct.CautionEnsure that the wires are connected to thecorrect matching terminal and all unused wiresare capped with a wire nut. Severe damage tothe unit, personal injury, or death can occur ifwires are not connected securely to the correctterminal or loose wires come into contact withthe cabinet or other components.sTeP 9: CONNECTING LOW VOLTAGE WIRESa. Reconnect the low voltage wires from thecondensing section to the motor control boardthat was removed in Step 2(e). The “C”, “R”,“O”, “Y1”, & “Y2” should all be connected in thisstep.b. Reconnect the blower motor communicationharness that was disconnected in Step 2(a) tothe motor control board. |
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