en Processing food with the blender foot14 Printed on 100% recycled paperPlastic or stainless-steel blender footThe standard blender feet are suitable forthe following purposes:¡ Making drinks¡ Making pancake batter, mayonnaise,sauces and baby food¡ Puréeing cooked food, e.g. fruit, veget-ables, soupProcessingfoodwiththeblenderfootProcessing food with theblender footProcessingfoodwiththeblenderfootNotes¡ Solid foods should always be cut up andcooked until soft before processing, e.g.apples, potatoes or meat.¡ Use the universal cutter for cutting upraw food without adding liquid, e.g.onions, garlic or herbs.¡ Before processing the food in a pan,take the pan off the heat.→ Fig. 2 - 9SamplerecipeMayonnaiseSample recipe MayonnaiseSamplerecipeMayonnaise¡ 1 egg (egg yolk and egg white)¡ 1 tbsp mustard¡ 1 tbsp lemon juice or vinegar¡ 200-250 ml oil¡ Salt and pepper to tasteMaking mayonnaiseNotes¡ When using the blender foot, mayon-naise can only be made with whole eggs(egg white and egg yolk).¡ When making mayonnaise, air under-neath the blender foot prevents the in-gredients blending together well. Toachieve an optimum result, check thatthe air can escape before you start mix-ing.→ Fig. 10 - 14ApplicationexamplesApplication examplesApplicationexamplesAlways observe the maximum quantitiesand processing times in the table.After each operating cycle let the appliancecool down to room temperature.→ Fig. 15OverviewofcleaningOverview of cleaningOverviewofcleaningClean the individual parts as indicated inthe table.→ Fig. 16Note: Appliances with a spiral cord: Neverwind the cord around the appliance!DisposingofoldapplianceDisposing of old applianceDisposingofoldappliance▶ Dispose of the appliance in an environ-mentally friendly manner.Information about current disposal meth-ods are available from your specialistdealer or local authority.This appliance is labelled inaccordance with EuropeanDirective 2012/19/EU con-cerning used electrical andelectronic appliances (wasteelectrical and electronicequipment - WEEE).The guideline determinesthe framework for the returnand recycling of used appli-ances as applicablethroughout the EU.WarrantyconditionsWarranty conditionsWarrantyconditionsYou can make warranty claims for your ap-pliance under the following conditions.The guarantee conditions for this applianceare as defined by our representative in thecountry in which it is sold. Details regardingthese conditions can be obtained from thedealer from whom the appliance was pur-chased. The bill of sale or receipt must beproduced when making any claim underthe terms of this guarantee.