1 689 975 287 2017-07-06| Robert Bosch GmbH4 | DCU 220 |de2. User instructions2.1 Safety instructionsDANGER - Risk of electric shock from liveparts!Improperly executed tasks on opened ener-gized devices result in heart failure anddeath.¶ Only authorized and trained CustomerService technicians are allowed to work onopened devices.¶ Observe the electrical engineering safetyregulations (e.g. DGUV Rule 3 in Germany).¶ Prior to commissioning, perform safetychecks in accordance with national legisla-tion (e.g. VDE 0701/0702 in Germany).¶ All the corresponding legislation of thecountry concerned must be observed.2.2 Target groupServicing is only to be performed by qualified and trai-ned service personnel from Robert Bosch GmbH or or-ganizations commissioned by Robert Bosch GmbH. Nowarranty claims will be accepted if devices have beenopened or modified by non-authorized persons.2.3 Configuring operationOperation of the DCU 220 can be configured. The func-tions of the programs cited below are described in theoperating manual DCU 220 (1 689 989 321) and in theUser Handbook (1 689 989 330):R Configuration CenterR ELO touchscreen1. Symbols used1.1 In the documentation1.1.1 Warning notices -Structure and meaningWarning notices warn of dangers to the user or peoplein the vicinity. Warning notices also indicate the con-sequences of the hazard as well as preventive action.Warning notices have the following structure:WarningsymbolKEY WORD – Nature and source of hazard!Consequences of hazard in the event of failu-re to observe action and information given.¶ Hazard prevention action and information.The key word indicates the likelihood of occurrence andthe severity of the hazard in the event of non-observan-ce:Key word Probability ofoccurrenceSeverity of danger if inst-ructions not observedDANGER Immediate impen-ding dangerDeath or severe injuryWARNING Possible impendingdangerDeath or severe injuryCAUTION Possible dangeroussituationMinor injury1.1.2 Symbols in this documentationSymbol Designation Explanation! Attention Warns about possible property damage.i Information Practical hints and otheruseful information.1.2.Multi-stepoperationInstruction consisting of several steps.e One-stepoperationInstruction consisting of one step. IntermediateresultAn instruction produces a visible inter-mediate result." Final result There is a visible final result on com-pletion of the instruction.1.2 On the product! Observe all warning notices on products and ensurethey remain legible.