6 720 608 25714Appliance details2.11 Electrical connectionsThe 2400 EO requires an electrical power supply froma 120VAC 60Hz circuit and must be properlygrounded.A means for switching off the 120VAC power supplymust be provided.The heater is wired as shown in the wiring diagram(chapter 6, Fig. 29).Fig. 172.12 Operating instructionsB Remove the control cover shield to access thecontrols of the water heater.Fig. 18B Before proceeding with the operation of the heatermake sure that the system is filled with water.B Turn off power supply to heater.B Open the cold water inlet supply to the heater fully.B Open a hot water faucet to permit the water to fill theheater and the piping and to eliminate the air trappedin the system.B Close the hot water faucet after the water flows freelyand all the air has escaped from the system. Turn onpower supply to heater. The water heater is nowready to operate.Warning: Confirm that the waterheater is appropriately grounded andthat the installation meets all electricalcodes. Outdoor electrical outlets havespecial requirements.Warning: For safety reasons,disconnect the power supply to theheater before any service or testing isperformed.Warning: This heater must beelectrically grounded in accordancewith the most recent edition of theNational Electrical Code. NFPA 70. InCanada, all electrical wiring to theheater should be in accordance withlocal codes and the Canadian ElectricalCode, CSA C22.1 Part 1. Do not relyon the gas or water piping to ground themetal parts of the heater.Appliance electricalpower supplyWarning: The heater is equipped withfreeze prevention equipment that willoperate and prevent freezing of thewater in the heater to 5°F with no windchill. Electrical power must bemaintained to the heater to allow this tofunction. WARNING: Properinsulation of the water lines belowthe heater is required if belowfreezing temperatures, below 32°F,are ever anticipated.Warning: The control cover must bereplaced after the initial operationbegins, and must be in place at alltimes.i NOTE: A default temperature setting of122 F will appear on the display screen.