Cycles Levelof dirtWhat it does Examplesof dishesHeavy Baked-on/greasyCleans intensively, in-creases cycle lengthand temperatureBaked-onlasagnacasseroleAuto Notbaked-onAdjusts time andintensity automatical-ly by soil sensingEverydayloadNormal Notbaked-onCleans using lessenergy and waterEverydayloadSpeed60® Light, notdried onShortens cycle to 1hour, includes dryingEverydayloadFavorite At one touch, access a saved Cycle andOption combination. Set this up in the HomeConnect app or press Favorite for 3 secondsand it stores the currently selected program/option combination.RemoteStartAllows user to start the dishwasherremotely. See the Home Connect® app.Rinse* Fresh,not driedonQuick rinse, usingless water than handrinsingEverydayload, to usebetweencyclesMachineCare*An intense program to clean the tub. Runwithout dishes.Options Levelof dirtWhat it does Examplesof dishesSanitize Any Increases cycle lengthand temperature fordisinfectionCuttingboards,bottlesExtraDry™Any Raises the temperatureand extends the dryingtimeEverydaydishesExtraQuiet*Any Reduces the noiselevel for 30 minutes.Can be be activated atany time and multipletimes. Run time isextended.AnyFastForward*Any Shortens the run timeand can be activatedat any time during thecycle.AnyHalfLoad* Light Shortens cycle, forlightly soiled dishes.EverydaydishesEco* Any Increases run time butreduces energy andwater consumptionAnyDelay* Any Allows you to delay thestart of the cycle up to24 hours.Any4 Cycles and OptionsRinse aid refillindicatorSanitizedindicatorCleanindicatorTimeremainingindicatorsWificonnectedindicatorButton A, useto change settingsCycles OptionsStart/resumeOn/Offreset 4 seconds* Available through the Home Connect® app only, and depending on your model.Tip: You can use the Home Connect® app to access additional cycles and options and save them. Additionally, you can use theSmart Cycle feature in Home connect app to help choose the best cycle and options for you.Note: The Energy Guide label was based on the Normal cycle as follows: The unit was tested without any rinse aid (liquid) inthe rinse aid dispenser. A single dose of detergent was inserted into the detergent dispenser, and no detergent was used in theprewash.