Black & Decker LE750 TYPE 3 Instruction Manual
Also see for EDGE HOG LE750 Type 3: Instruction manual
IHSTRUCTIOHMAHUALLE750 TYPE 2 & 3• USEOFACCESSORIESAND ATTACHMENTS.Theuse of any accessoryor attachmentnot recommendedfor usewiththisappliance could be hazardous Note: Referto tile accessorysection of this mnanua[for further detailsIF YOU SHOULD EXPERIENCE A PROBLEMCWITH YOUR BLACK & DECKER PRODUCT,CALL 1-800-54-HOW-TO (544-6986). ZBEFORE YOU CALL, HAVE THE FOLLOWING iNFORMATION CAVAILABLE, CATALOG NO TYPE NO AND DATE CODE ZIN M@ST CASES, A SLACK & DECKER REPRESENTATIVE CAN DRESOLVE YOUR PROBLEM OVER THE PHONE IF YOU HAVE A CSUGGESTION OR COMMENT, GIVE US A CALL YOUR FEEDBACK CtS VITAL TO THE SUCCESS OF BLACK & DECKERKEYINFORMATION YOU SHOULDKNOW:• Your edger is designed to eject clippings and other debris forward, away from the operaton• Inspectand thoroughly clean your edger at the start of each edging season.• The blade on this tool is not intended to be sharp. Do not sharpen it in any way.• Make sureedging area (100 fl.) is clear of other persons or pets prior to starting operation.SAVETHIS MARUALFORFUTUREREFEREHCECat No. LE750Type2 & 3 FormNo. 243420-O2Rev.4 SEPT.'02Copyright@2002 Black& Decker Printedin MexicoWARNING: Important SafelyWar,ningsand InstructionsZ_ WARNING: When using electric _ardening appliances, basic safetyprecautions should always be [allowed toreduce risk of fire electric shock, and personal injury, including the followingZ_WARNING: Some dust create_ by this product containscbernicalsknown to the Stateof California to causecancer, birth defectsor other reproductive harm Some examplesof thesechemicals are:• compounds in fertilizers• compounds in insecticides,herbicides and pesticides• arsenicand chromium kom che`ngcallytreated lumberTo reduceyour exposure to these cbemids, wear approved safely equipment suchas dust masksthatare speciallydesigned to filter out microscopic fxlrticlesWARNING: This prduct contains chemicals, including lead, known to the Stateof California to causecancer,and birth defectsor other reproductiveharm Wash hands after handling.Z_CAUTION: Wear appropriate personal hearing protectionduring use Under some conditions and duration ofuse, noise from this product may contribute to hearing lossREADALLINSTRUCTIONSTO REDUCERISKOF INJURY:• Beforeany use, be sureeveryone using thistool _eadsand understandsall safely instructionsaed other in[armnationcontained inthis manual• Savetheseinstructionsand review frequentlyprior to useand in instructingothers1 Keep2 Keef a cleanDANGER:Riskof injury Keephands and feet away from blade and cutting areaImportant Warningwrlen using the edger stones piecesof metal and other objects can be thrown out at high speed by the blade Thetool and guard are designedto reducethe danger However,the following special precautionsshould be taken:1 Wear safetXglassesor other eye protection,qloves, long pants and substantialfootwear2 Make surethat other personsand pets are atTeast 100 feetaway3 Always stand to left side of main handle4 BeforeLandscapingor Trenching,check for buried electrical cables5 To reduce therisk of rebound (ricochet) injury, work going away from any nearby solid object suchas a wallsteps,large stone, tree, etc Usegreat care when working closeto solid objects or into the wind, and, wherenecessary,do edging or trimnmingby handSAVE THESE IHSTRUCTIOHS®0O0To reducethe risk of electric shock,thisequipment hasa polarized plug (one blade iswider iBantheother) Thisequipmentmustbe usedwith a suitablepolarized 2 wire or 3 wire extensioncord. Polarizedconnectionswill fittogeiBeronly one way Make surethat the receptacleendof the extensioncord has large and smallblade slotwidths Ifthe plug doesnot fit fblly into the extensioncord, rever_ethe plug If it still does not fit Obtaina suitableextensioncordIf the extensioncord does notfit fully into the outer contacta qualified electricianto installthe proper outlet Do notmdify the app lance pug or extensioncord in any wayTHISTOOLCAN BEDANGEROUS.Followall warnings and S'lfety Instructionsin thismanual Theoperator isresponsiblefor following warnings and instructionsin this manual and on unit Restrictuseof this power tool to personswho reed, understandand follow warnings and instructionsin thismanualand on unit.• AVOIDDANGEROUSENVIRONMENT.Don't use appliancesin damp or wet locations Don't useappliancesin the rain• KEEPCHILDRENAWAY.All other personsand petsshould be kept at a safe distoncekom work area• STOREIDLEAPPLIANCESINDOORS.Appliancesshouldbest_ediedoorsindry,securedarea-outofreachof children• DON'T FORCEAPPLIANCE.Itwilldothejobbetterandwithlesslikdihoodofariskofinjuryattberate[arwhichitwasdesigned• USERIGHTAPPLIANCE.Donotusetheappliance[ar anyjobexceptthatforwhich itis intended• DRESSPROPERLY.DOnotwear bose chilling or jeweky Theycan be caught in movingparis Rubbergbves,long pantsand substantial,non-skld[aolwear are recom`n_endedwhen working outdoors Do notgo barefootor wear sandals Wear protectivehair coveringto containlong bein• USESAFBY GLASSESAND OTHERSAFELYEQUIPMENT,Usesafetygoggbs or safetyglasseswith side shiddscomplyin_with applicable safetystandardsand, when needed,a lace shidd Also use[ace or dust maskif operationis dust,/T]lis applies to all personsin thework area Also usea hard hat, hearingprotection,gloves, safetyshoesanddust collectionsystemswhen specifiedor required Safetyglassesor the likeare available at extra costat your localdealeror Black& DeckerServiceCenter• DON'T ABUSECORD.Never cam/appliance by cord or yank g to disconnectfrom receptacle Keepcord fromheat,oil, and sharpedges• DON'TOVERREACH.Keepproper [acting and balanceat aJJtimes.• MAINTAINAPPLIANCEWITH CARE. Keepcuttingedge cleanfor best performanceand to reducetherisk of injur7Follow instructionsfor lubricating and changingaccessories.Inspectappliance cord periodically and if damaged,have it repaired by authorizedservicefacility Inspectextensioncords peridically and replace if damaged Keephandlescry, clean, and free from oil and grease• DISCONNEa APPUANCES.Disconnecttheappliance fronHhe pewer supply when not in use,before servicing,andwhen changingaccessoriessuchasblades and iBe like• AVOIDUNINTENTIONALSTARTING.Don't carry plugged-in appliance wifll finger on switch Besureswgchisoff when plugging in• EXTENSIONCORDS.Make sureyour extensioncord is in good condition Cord insulationmustbe intactwith no cracksordeterioration Plugconnectorsmustbe undamaged When usingan extensioncord, be sureto useoneheavyenoughtocarry thecurrentyour productwill draw A,_undersized extensioncordwill causea drop in line voltageresultingin]ossof powerand overheating,,,dJichcan shortenthelifeof the motor. Thetable showsthe correctsizetousedependingoncord lenr4thand nameplateampererating If indoubt, usethenext heaviergageThesmd]erthegege number,the heavierthecord Thetable showsthecorrect sizeto usedependingon cord lengthand nameplateampererating If indoubt,usethenext heaviergage ThesmalleriBe gagenumber,iBe heavierthe cordMinimum Gage for Cord SetsVolts Total Lengthof Cord in Feet120V 0-25 26-50 51-100 101-150240V 0-50 51-100 101-200 201-300Ampere RatingMore Not more American Wire GageThan Than0 6 18 16 16 146 10 18 16 14 1210 12 16 16 14 1212 16 14 12 Not Recommended• [] indicatesthe Edgeris DOUBLEINSULATED"• OUTDOORUSEEXTENSIONCORDS /_\ WARNING: To reducethe risk of electric shock, use only with an extensioncora intenaearot outdoor use,suchas an extensioncord of type SW-A, SOW-A, STW-A, STOW-A, SJW-A,SJOW-A, SJT_vV-A,or SJTQW-A• GROUND FAULTCIRCUITINTERRUPTER(GFCI)protectionshould be provided on thecircuitsor outletsto be usedforfile gardening appliance Receptaclesare available having built in GFClprotection and may be usedfor thismeasureof safety• STAYALERT'Watchwhaty°uared°ingUsec°mm°nsenseD°n°t°perateapphancewbeny°uaretired iJJorunder the in uenceo any drugs or a cobe• CHECKDAMAGEDPARTS.Beforefurther useof theappliance, a guard or other part thatis damaged shouldbecarefully checkedto determinethat it will operate properly and perform its intended function Checkfor alignmentofmoving parts, binding of movingparts, breakage of parts mounbeq, and any other conditionsthat may attect itsoperation A guard or other part that is damaged should _e properly repaired or replaced by an authorized servicecenterunlessotherwise indicated elsewhereinthismanual• REPAIRSAND SERVICE.Repairs,maintenanceand any adjustmentsnot specifiedin this manual shouldbe performedby Black & Deckerauthorized service centersor other qualified serviceorganizations, always using identicalreplacementpartsHe,_ nut _ilh conid v,_s]_erECrOU]_xagarLdfr_ur_id_e ro_ddb a_iqueTuerca hexagonal con rokJana conlca@BEFOREASSEMBLINGYOUR EDGER,CHECKTHATYOU HAVERECEIVEDTHE FOLLOWING IN THESHIPPINGCARTON.SEEFIGURE1.A LE750 Landscape/EdgerB. EdgeHog blade with nut, conical washer and spacer system(assembledto unit)C Tubeconnecting bolt and knob (assembledto lower tube)D Auxiliary Handle, with Bolt and knobASSEMBLINGTHE HANDLEAssemble Handle Tubes Figure 2 and 3)1 Removeknob and cu_ve_head bot ror'n ower haed e tube mounting hoes2 slide upper handle tube down into lower handle tube sothat holeswill line up (Figure 3) There are twopositions available for adjustmentto your preferred height setting SeeFigure 11 for upper handle orientation3 NOTE:Ensurethe wire cable movessmoothlydown into file lower handle tube while assembling4 Fastenhandle tubes together with the knob and curved head bolt Note that when you first insert the boltit may be necessaryto wiggle it carefully to get it past file jacketed wire inside the tubez_ CAUTION: NEVERusea sharpobject to move jacketedwiresout of thewayPosition Auxiliary Handle (Figure 4)1 Undo file knob from the bolt in the auxiliary handle and pesh/pull file bolt out of file handle2. slide the auxiliary handle onto the main handle. Theauxiliary handle can be positioned for either leftorright-hand operation whicheveris more com[artabb Theauxiliary handle is NOT adjustable forward/back3 Insertthe bolt back into the auxiliar7 handle hole on the side with the hex recess,attech tbe knob and fully tightenCut Depth Adjustment (Figure 5)Thefrontwheel can be adjustedtoallow a deeperor shallowercut, and toincreasetileli_eof tile blade Change thecutdepth ftorn the shipping position to your desired depthby:1 Wait [ar blade to come to con_pletestop!2. UNPLUGTOOL!3. LoosentheCut DepthKnob4 Adjust wheel depth, usingthedepth indicator on the wheel bracketand the marking on the front housingNote: Recommend1" depth for edging.5 TightenKnobfirml_Tip: Thick overgrowth may drag on the guard. Reducecut depthto minimum to help reducethis effect.Pull-Up Edge Guide (Figure 6, 7)Theedge guide is usefulfor cutbeg a straight path along sidewalks Forlandscapingor trenchingin theyard theedgeguide can interferewith moving the edger through hardsoiJ or sod Theedge guide can be adjusted sothat the toolwiJJalso perform TRENCHINGand LANDSCAPINGoperationsToChange PositionOf TheEdge Guide1 Wait for blade to come to completestop!2 UNPLUGTOOL!3. PullEdgeGuide Knobsidewaysto unlock from the guard tab, seeFigure 6 detail, in directionof smallarrow Liftfile knob up until the lower squarenotch in file lever linesup with the tab on theguard In thisposition the edgeguide is lifted up (Figure7) sothe tool can easily cutalong the edgesof flower and shrubbery beds and aroundtreesin preparation or trenchingor sod remora4 Toreturnedge guide to lowerposition, pull lever sidewaysand pushdown untilguard tab fits into upper lever holeTip:You may need to tilt edgerback to allow edgeguide to be movedinto down position.Attaching ExtensionCord ToEdger (Figure 8)Important Safety Instructions:Polarized PlugsToreducefile risk of eleciricshock, this equipmenthas a polarized plug (one blade is wider than theother) Do notmedleytheappliance plug or extensioncord in any way ReadIMPORTANTSAFELYINSTRUCTIONSat beginning ofmanual. Note:Checktheextensioncord safely instructionsprovided earlier.1 Topreventdisconnectionof edger cord, secureextensioncord by tying tile power plug asshown2 Insertplug into cord socket3 An extensioncord retainer is built into the switchhandle to reducestrainon thepower cord Touse thisfeature,simply double theextensioncord as shown,about a foot from the end, and insert it into theend of thehandle Hook |
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