Black & Decker GC818 Instruction Manual
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iNSTRUCTiON MANUALCatalog No,. GC81B _BEFORE RETURNING THIS PRODUCTFOR ANY REASON P_SE CALL1-800-544-0986B_RE YOU C.At.I_HAVE "tHE C,ATAL_ No./*,i_tD DA_ _.,X]OEAVAIL.#.BL.F_LF_MOS_F CAS_J_;.ABLACK & b EJ,::_l_ R -F.PR-IL_TA1WE CAN RBCtVE ll_E PROBLBJ OVER l_tE PHC_F... IF YOUHAVE A _'IJBGES'nON OR COf_Vt E_I', GWE US A CALL YOUR FE_DOACK IS VITAL TOBLACX & DECRE.FLSAVE THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.,EL ESPAI_OL EN LA CONTRAPORTADA.INSTRUCTIVO DE OPERAC{SN, CENTBO$ DE SF.J_VICIO Y PC}L LTJ_OE GARANrrIA_AO_CIA: _,SE ESTt_ INSTRUCTIVe At'If ES OE UEV_R EL PRODUCTO,Cat. No. GCBtB Form # 90520620-01 (NOV. "07)Copyright © 2007 Black & Decker Printed in ChinaGENERAL SAFETY FOR ALL TOOLS_{_ WARNING: TO REDUCE RiSK OF INJURY:, Befnre shy nt_0, be sure ew_tone using this toeI reads ned uedm'sLonds ell r_felyt nr_tP,Jctlo es a'nd ether Inlormstlon eoetslned In this mm'_uaI,.. Suv_ these fesb'uctiens nnd review ftequentfy prier to use eed In Indru_ng other_SAFETY GUIDELINES * DERNtT1ONSIt Is important _= yo_ to read and understand this manu,_LThe inlnrtnsfioe tt c_'w1oins mtaler, fn prolecrieg YOUR EAFETY and PREVENTINGPROBLEMS, The symbd_ betew are used to betp y_u recognize tMs informationDANGER: lndlcate_ an imminanlty haz_dot_s r_h_ati_,n which, if not avoided, wig recruit inde_th Or _ri0,Js Injury,_WARNING: Indicates a petealia_y haz,_rdous _fusti_ wb_ if net avoided, c_tdd m_.dIin death _r sed_s inju_.CAUTION: Indi_fes a potmfia_y hazatdoos altuedo_'} witid_,if not avoided, ruby le_lt tem_ _ mod_rsle In_y,CAUTION: Used without the salary atetl s_ra_._ indicot es potentially hazardous siteagonwhich, tl not avoided, may rerastl tn pmparty _smage.• WARNING: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS.When O_,_ng Oie_r_c gardenlnI_ apptL_nses, ba_e safeF/p_ec,_otior_s should a_ways belollowed t_ mduc_ risk of rite, electric r_{o_, a_d porsonaI in_urf.-' ALWAYS WEAR EYE PROTECTION- West safety glasses of gog{_oa at a_ timer wimn dltaun_l is in use. ,_alety glasses ate ave_fable at exlta cost at yo_r tocaJ _sck t, Decker Se_coC_*nt_ or aulbodz_d _v_ ladEt_ AJways use fase ut (_t_,tma _ if op_atiot_ is t_sty.•' DRESS PROPERLY- DO not w_ar tease dothteg Or Jowelq. They can be caught in mo_tn9pads, Rubber filove_,and st_b_aottaI rubber s_ed Ic_twe_r am recommended wber_ workingoutdoor=. Oon'l operate the unit when bar_fo_t of wearing open sandals. W(_ar long parers toprated yoor lolls, Wear pl_eClNo bah c_vedng to r.._nt_ n long halt-' DO NOT agm/,, ch_i_en tD operate tbt_ trait.-. MAKE SURE that other pecans arid pots are,31 leaot 20 It. away.., AVOI D ACCtDENTALLY STARTING - Don'l cam/unit wilb r_ger on td_ger-' DON_J _ OVERREACH - K_ep piper tootle _ and bStanCo at atl ltmr,_-' AVOID DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENTAL CoNDmoNs - De not use aloud= units in dampwet locati_'ns. Don_ Use the en_ in the,rain,-, 00 NOT OPERATE Unit in g_seoUs o_ explo_ve otmospbere_. Motors in Ibese t.'_ttS nofm_yr_park. _nd 111e c,pa d,_, might Ignite fameS.-, STORE IDLE APPUANCES INDOORS - When not in U_._. units should be ot e_od _ndoots ina d_locked-up plase OL_ e_ rea_ of ddtd_en.•. STAY ALERT- Watch what yDe ar_ doing Ur._ COmmar_ sense, DO n_ Operate unit when youate tired or un d_ th0 inrlu enc_ of _lcohoi, drugs, or medico_ons•, KEEP HANDS AND FEET AWAY FROM WORK AREA.•. DO NOT CHARGE APPUANEE tN RAIN OR IN WET LOCATIONS.•, THiS POWER UNIT ia intended to be r;th_reet{ye_ent_ed In a v(_dir._t or _oor mount p_t_onZ_ADDITIONAL WARNINGS FOR CULTIVATORS•' OO NOT t_se unit It Sw_I_:;h(Jsee eel turn Iton m" off A tlnlt thai c-3n_ot bo cooP(tiled _th theswitch is do_riemus end m_st be repaired.o DISCONNECT batf0ry pack f_ anff bolero making any ad usfments, changtng e ccassoJtes,or atodeg the unit. Such preventative _._,'Mefymeasures reduce the dsk of sta_i_g the ooifa_dentafiy,•' DO NOT FORCE THE APPUANCE - II will do the Job better and w_h lese _ikefiheed _f a deket inju_ at tl_e tare t_ which II was de_geed, Clutch viii activate il overpowered, USE THE RIGHT APPUANCE- De not use this unit f0¢ any job excep_ fbel I_ which it is_nlfeuded,-' Some du._t created by thtr. product contains chemlcalr, kBow_ to the 5t_1_ ofCzd|forela tO ¢_.U_ _oec_r birth defe(d_r_ or oth_r reprodt_;llve h=trm. Somae_m ple_, of thel;e _hem _:o = are:• camlx_eda in ledttiz_tr_• compounds in iOsec:li_des, hmbl_der_ and peati_dna• aF_eoic and chrmniom from dl_Icolly frnated temborTo reduce your expor_,tlta IO | filZ'Se d_emlc_3t_, wear approved safety eq_Jtptn e_t _ttdl aSdest masks tiler are spadafly de,greed to _itter out ml_t_S_opis particleS.' DAMAGE TO APPUANCE - If y_a _dke Or become eelontllod wig_ a foreign object alepfeofimme_oteiy, d_eck for derange end have any d_mage repabed before fitldmrOperafi_"_ is atlempt ed, DO not epofete wilh a bmke_ line.-' MAINTAIN APPLIANDES WITH CARE- Keep cuttin_ edge dean for best performanceand to reduce the d_ _d inJu_ Follow instrucbens f 0r lubncating and chantingat:f_e_£=-_-,_ies.Keep handles d_y,_ean, and fin tram 0_Iand g_(,._e,•' CREEK DAMAGED PARTS - Berate (odher use ef fhe t Jail, a Oite_u d m oilier _ri thai iSd_maged _ould be caretu_y ch b_, d t D deSe_eiee Ih at it w_tl opiate propody endpedorm Its tot t_tnded function. Chock f_ ari_nment at movinl" / parts, _indin 0 at mt_part=, breakage elpart_, mounting, and an), other condition that may affecl il= operallOn.Any pan _t iS damaged Oi_euld be pmpeey repaired _ reF_aced by an authonzod _.,or.'iceCarlt Or Onle_s elhetw_rsa indi_'tl _:1 _-qsewh ma b [hie m,_e ar•' KEEPSHRDUD tN PLACE AND IN WORKING ORDER,-' BEFORE STARTING GARDEN CULTIVATQR_ _leck trio soil and remove any largoatones, _wi_s and _ forth. Keep d_.ecking tO mak= sure the area Is d_ar a= you work-, IF YOU ENCOUNTER AN OBSTR_CTION during wmk de,pit e air Of these prec;'luliensturn off the Celt vat_, Remove _3tle_ ptt_ ta altemprinfl I0 remove the nb51m_,ltonLLKeep _Jne _se_ c_e_n,WARNING: Oscitlat|ng t|nes, Keep at a safe dlstance__BATI'ERY RELATED WARNINGSo A BATr ERY OPERATED UNIT with tnt_gra_ ballodes or e separale baffe_ pa_k me=st berealtor Bed c_rltywith tile _p_oiried t:_arOe_ for the _ltery, A cha_g_' Ihat may be r.,u+lableft_ one type ef batt ee! may c_este a dsk of rite when used with another batlcP_.USE BAT'fERY OPERATEO UNIT ONLY wilh spedfically de_ignaled belfoty pack. UcaOfany 01her batteries may _eafe a ri_ of fire.DO NOT USE OR CHARGE botte_ In ralnOSE ONLY the Supplied chargenREMOVE BATTERY before r,eP,_in g, _eanin_ removing matodal Iron b}0 ctlfiNaf OrRemove battery h_'n year sefitvalor _nd c_rry oy the trent hand}e when not in use.EXERCISE CARE ie haed)ing ball.des in ord._r n_ 1orJsoil tllo b,'dl[_ry with condeoiin[_matodats aOch aS dog _,_bracelets and keys The bStte_ Or concluder may overheat andc_ese bumsDO NOT OPEN OR MUTILATE the batterie.5.Rel_'a _ d e{eclto_yle h_ co_m_ve arid maycease damage tO fhe eyes or s_n, Itmay be toxic it SwallOwedSAVE THESE ;INSTRUCTIONSThe tabel an y_ ur tool may _c_ude _be totbt_ng S}w=bO SV ..... U_RS A amperesHz hertz W . wattsm_a mietsf_e "_ atlemafit_9 c_trenfdirect CUrtot_t r_a nO I_ad SpGOdD Ct,_s_; tt Gonsft_atien @, eaffhlnp tanninal_ ...... ,%_tety ated symb_t ymln revol_tttans ar _c_ps_r_'_llohs par minetaBattery Cap InformationBattery storage nnd r._r r/in g sepa ate pto'Aded tar U_._ It)utterer the pottery iseel of thet_d or r_l_tg_ R0mDve cap before plaoing ballory in charger or Ieoi. |
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