Page 11HOME COMFORT MODEPreset humidity levels (see PRESET MODE button on control panel) allow fordehumidifier to operate at optimum performance depending on where it isplaced.ContinuousDehumidfier operates continuously regardless of the room’s relative humidity.BasementDigital humidistat is preset at 45 percent relative humidity.BedroomDigital humidistat is preset at 55 percent relative humidity.CHILD LOCK MODEThe child lock mode (see TIMER button on control panel) allows you to lock thecontrol panel, preventing someone from changing the settings. Press and holdThe TIMER button for 3 seconds and when locked, the LOCK indicator will light.Press and hold the TIMER button for 3 seconds to unlock the control panel.AUTOMATIC DEFROSTWhen frost builds up on the evaporator coils, the compressor will cycle offand the fan will continue to run until the frost disappears. When the coilsare completely defrosted, the compressor or fan (depending on model) willautomatically restart and dehumidification will resume.AUTOMATIC RESTARTIn the event of a power interruption such as a power outage or the plug beingdisconnected from the outlet, your dehumidifier will automatically restart inthe same setting once power has been restored to the unit. The only functions/features that will have to be restored manually upon resumption of power arethe timer function and the child lock mode.SET UP & USE