INSTRUCTION MANUALDustBuster®Thank you for choosing Black & Decker! To register your new product, go ReAD BefORe ReTURNINg ThIS PRODUCT fOR ANy ReASON.If you have a question or experience a problem with your Black & Decker purchase, go to you can’t find the answer or do not have access to the Internet,call 1-800-544-6986 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. eST Mon. - fri. to speak with an agent.Please have the catalog number available when you call.SAve ThIS MANUAL fOR fUTURe RefeReNCe.veA eL eSPANOL eN LA CONTRAPORTADA.INSTRUCTIvO De OPeRACIÓN, CeNTROS De SeRvICIO y PÓLIZA De gARANTÍA.ADveRTeNCIA: LÉASe eSTe INSTRUCTIvO ANTeS De USAR eL PRODUCTO.CATALOg NUMBeRSBDh7200MBDh7200ChvBDh9600ChvBDh1000Chv