6)LOOWKHVXSSOLHGMXJ ZLWKZDWHUWRWKHPD[OLQHDQGWKHQXVHMXJWRILOOZDWHUWDQN .&ORVHWKHILOOHUFDSNOTICE: Always empty the water tank after use.OPERATIONSWITCHING ON AND OFF - Fig. FNOTICE: When the steam cleaner is first turned onWKHZDWHUUHVHUYRLUZLOOJORZUHG2QFHWKHVWHDPFOHDQHUis ready to use the water reservoir will glow blue. It takesapproximately 15 seconds for the steam cleaner to heat up.7RVZLWFKWKHDSSOLDQFHRQSUHVVWKH212))button (1).7RVZLWFKWKHDSSOLDQFHRIISUHVVWKH212))button.NOTICE: Never leave the steam cleaner in one spot on any surface for any period oftime. Always place the steam cleaner in the upright position when stationary and make surethe steam cleaner is turned off when not in use.NOTICE: Always empty the water tank after use.NOTICE: This unit will kill 99.9% of bacteria and germs when used in accordance withthis manual and with the micro fiber pad fitted and a continuous run time of 90 seconds.HINTS FOR OPTIMUM USEGENERAL USECAUTION: Never use the steam cleaner without an attachment.WARNING: It is important to monitor the water level in the water tank. To refill thewater tank and continue to sanitize/ clean, see Filling the Water Tank section.NOTICE: To effectively sanitize an area, the lift and reach head with microfiber pad must be used.NOTICE: Never leave the steam cleaner in one spot on any surface for any period of time.Always place the steam cleaner in an upright position when stationary and make sure the steamcleaner is turned off when not in use. Do not use chemical cleaners with your steam cleaner. To remove stubborn stainsfrom vinyl or linoleum floors, you can pre-treat them with a mild detergent and somewater before using the steam cleaner.HAND HELD STEAM CLEANING $WWDFKWKHUHTXLUHGDFFHVVRU\3OXJKDQGKHOGVWHDPFOHDQHUHOHFWULFFRUGLQWRWKHRXWOHW 3UHVVWKH212))EXWWRQ ,WWDNHVDSSUR[LPDWHO\VHFRQGVIRUWKHKDQGKHOGsteam cleaner to heat up. /LIWWKHORFNRII DQGSXOOWKHWULJJHUVZLWFK WRDFWLYDWHWKHVWHDPSXPS$IWHUDIHZseconds steam will start to come out of the accessory.NOTICE: If the system has been run dry it may take up to 30 seconds to prime thesystem on first use.NOTICE: During use you may turn off the steam pump by releasing the trigger switch,this convenient feature will allow you to place the steam cleaner down for a short time sothat you may move items or furniture, then continue cleaning without the need to switchthe appliance off. :KHQ\RXKDYHILQLVKHGXVLQJWKHKDQGKHOGVWHDPFOHDQHUUHOHDVHWKHWULJJHUVZLWFK DQGWXUQLWҊ2))ҋ:DLWXQWLOLWFRROV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ILYHPLQXWHV AFTER USE 3ODFHWKHVWHDPFOHDQHULQDQXSULJKWSRVLWLRQDQGWXUQLWҊ2))ҋ :DLWXQWLOWKHVWHDPFOHDQHUFRROVGRZQ DSSUR[LPDWHO\ILYHPLQXWHV 8QSOXJWKHVWHDPFOHDQHUIURPWKHZDOORXWOHWF