Black & Decker 187895-01 Instruction Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including thefollowing: PPLLEEAASSEE RREEAADD AALLLL IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONNSS CCAARREEFFUULLLLYY BBEEFFOORREE UUSSIINNGG TTHHEE UUNNIITT..WWAARRNNIINNGG:: To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock or injury: The intended use is described in this manual. The use of any accessory or attachment or theperformance of any operation with this appliance other than those recommended in thisinstruction manual may present a risk of personal injury. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children. Do notallow to be used as a toy. Keep children and animals at a safe distance when using this appliance. Never pull the power lead to disconnect the plug from the cigarette lighter socket. Keep thelead away from heat, oil and sharp edges. Be careful not to pinch the lead in the vehicle’s doors, windows or levers. Do not use DustBuster® automotive vac to pick up liquids, toxic substances, flammable orcombustible liquids such as gasoline or use in areas where they may be present. Do not operate in the presence of explosives and/or flammable fumes or liquids. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or after the appliance malfunctions, isleft outdoors, dropped into water or is damaged in any manner. Return the appliance to anyauthorized service facility. Keep hair, loose clothing, and all parts of body away from openings and moving parts. Do not insert accessories when unit is running. Do not put any object into unit openings. Do not use with any openings blocked; keep freeof dust, lint, hair, and anything that may reduce air flow. Do not operate the unit without a filter in place. Replace a damaged filter promptly. Do not vacuum burning or smoking materials, such as lit cigarette butts, matches or hot ashes. Do not use on or near hot surfaces. When not in use, the appliance should be stored in a dry place. Children should not haveaccess to stored appliances. Before use, check the appliance for damaged or defective parts. Check for breakage ofparts, damage to switches and any other conditions that may affect its operation. Have any damaged or defective parts repaired or replaced by an authorized repair agent. Regularly check the power lead for damage. Replace the lead if it is damaged or defective. Never attempt to remove or replace any parts other than those specified in this manual. The appliance is designed for use with 12V negative ground vehicle battery systems.WWAARRNNIINNGG:: Do not operate the appliance with systems which have positive ground ora different voltage. The cigarette lighter socket may not be live when the ignition is off and/or the key is removed.If in doubt, consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual for information regarding the above. Use only as described in this manual. Use only manufacturer’s recommended attachments. Do not use the appliance near water. Do not immerse the appliance in water. Keep the motor draught away from your eyes and face.CCOONNNNEECCTTIINNGG TTOO TTHHEE VVEEHHIICCLLEE’’SS PPOOWWEERR SSUUPPPPLLYY ((FFIIGG.. BB)) Make sure that the appliance is switched off. Remove the cigarette lighter from the socket. Plug the connector (4) into the cigarette lighter socket.OOPPEERRAATTIINNGG TTHHEE AAPPPPLLIIAANNCCEE ((FFIIGG.. CC)) To switch on, slide the on/off switch (1) forward. To switch off, slide the on/off switch back. The appliance can be used for periods of up to 30 minutes without noticeably affecting thepower of a normally charged car battery in good condition.WWAARRNNIINNGG:: Extended use will drain the battery power. Do not run the vehicle’s engine while cleaning. This can shortenthe life of the appliance. This appliance is intended for household use only and not for commercial or industrial use.AACCCCEESSSSOORRIIEESS ((FFIIGG.. DD && EE))The appliance is supplied with the following accessories: A hard brush (5) for upholstery. A crevice tool (6) for confined spaces.The accessories are stored beneath the rear of the appliance.TToo ffiitt aann aacccceessssoorryy,, pprroocceeeedd aass ffoolllloowwss:: Take the accessories from the appliance. Insert the appropriate accessory into the front of the appliance.TTRROOUUBBLLEESSHHOOOOTTIINNGGIf the product does not work, follow the instructions below. If this does not solve theproblem, please contact your local Black & Decker repair agent. Make sure the connector (4) is plugged into the cigarette lighter socket correctly. Make sure your vehicle battery system is of the 12 V negative ground type.CCLLEEAANNIINNGG AANNDD MMAAIINNTTEENNAANNCCEEWWAARRNNIINNGG:: Regularly clean the filters.CCLLEEAANNIINNGG TTHHEE DDUUSSTT BBOOWWLL AANNDD FFIILLTTEERRSS ((FFIIGG.. FF,, GG,, HH && II))The filters are re-usable and should be cleaned regularly. Press the release button (2) and remove the dust bowl (3) (fig. F). Remove any dust from the dust bowl (fig. G). Remove the filters (7 & 8) by twisting them clockwise (fig. H). Brush any loose dust off the filters.IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS Wash the filters in warm, soapy water (fig. I). The bowl can also be washed if necessary. Make sure the dust bowl and filters are dry. Refit the filters (7 & 8) onto the appliance, twisting them counterclockwise until they lock intoplace. Refit the dust bowl onto the appliance. Make sure the dust bowl clicks into place.IImmppoorrttaanntt!! Optimum dust collection will only be achieved with clean filters and an emptydust bowl. If dust begins to fall back out of the appliance after switching it off, this indicatesthat the dust bowl is full and must be emptied.WWAARRNNIINNGG:: • Never use the appliance without the filters.• Do not immerse the appliance in water (fig. J).RREEPPLLAACCIINNGG TTHHEE FFIILLTTEERRSS ((FFIIGG.. FF && HH))The filters should be replaced every 6 to 9 months and whenever worn or damaged. Replacementfilters are available from your Black & Decker dealer (cat. no. VF100). Press the release button (2) and remove the dust bowl (3) (fig. F). Remove the filters (7 & 8) by twisting them clockwise (fig. H). Fit the new filters (7 & 8) onto the appliance, twisting them counterclockwise until they lockinto place. Refit the dust bowl onto the appliance. Make sure the dust bowl clicks into position.AADDDDIITTIIOONNAALL AACCCCEESSSSOORRIIEESS ((FFIIGG.. KK && LL)) an extension hose and a hose connector a brush for carpets and upholstery – an extended crevice tool for the most difficult to reachareas.When not in use, the appliance and the accessories can be stored in the storage bag.To fit an accessory, proceed as follows: Fit the hose connector onto the nose of the appliance. Attach one end of the hose to the connector. Attach the appropriate accessory to the other end of the hose.MMAAIINNTTEENNAANNCCEEUse only mild soap and damp cloth to clean the vac. Never let any liquid get inside the vac; neverimmerse any part of the vac into a liquid.NNOOTTEE:: Make sure the vacuum is completely dry before using it.IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT:: To assure product SAFETY and RELIABILITY, repairs, maintenance and adjustment(other than those listed in this manual) should be performed by authorized service centers or otherqualified service organizations, always using identical replacement parts.SSEERRVVIICCEE IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONNBlack & Decker offers a full network of company-owned and authorized service locations.All Black & Decker Service Centers are staffed with trained personnel to provide customers withefficient and reliable power tool service. Whether you need technical advice, repair, or genuinefactory replacement parts, contact the Black & Decker location nearest you.ESPECIFICACIONES/ESPECIFICAÇÕES/SPECIFICATIONSAV1500LA 12V ---- DCSolamente para propósito de Argentina:Importado por: Black & Decker Argentina S.A.Marcos Sastre 1998Ricardo Rojas, Partido de TigreBuenos Aires, ArgentinaCP: B1610CRJTel.: (11) 4726-4400Imported by/Importado por:Black & Decker do Brasil Ltda.Rod. BR 050, s/n° - Km 167Dist. Industrial IIUberaba ˆ MG ˆ Cep: 38064-750CNPJ: 53.296.273/0001-91Insc. Est.: 701.948.711.00-98S.A.C.: 0800-703-4644Solamente para propósitos de CCAImportado por: Black & Decker LLCCalle Miguel Brostella FinalEdificio Milano I, Mezanine 5,6 y 7El Dorado, PanamaTel. 507-360.5700Solamente para propósitos de ColombiaImportado por: Black & Decker de Colombia, S.A.Carrera 85D # 51-65, Bodega 23Complejo Logístico San CayetanoBogota - ColombiaTel. 744-7100Solamente para propósito de Chile:Importado por: Black & Decker de Chile, S.A.Av. Pdte. Eduardo Frei M. 6001-67 ConchalíSantiago de ChileTel. (56-2) 687 1700Solamente para propósito de México:Importado por: Black & Decker S.A. de C.V.Bosques de Cidros, Acceso Radiatas No.423a. Sección de Bosques de las LomasDelegación Cuajimalpa,05120, México, D.F.Tel. (52) 555-326-7100R.F.C.: BDE810626-1W7Black & Decker del Perú S.A.Av. Enrique Meiggs 227.Pque. Industrial - CallaoTeléfono: (511) 614-4242RUC 20266596805187895-0110/02/06SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSProduct Features (Fig. A)1. On/Off slide switch2. Release button3. Dust bowl4. Cigarette lighter connectorHow To UseENGLISH |
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