BE1-67N Installation4-8Step 3. Apply (IOP ) input current of 2.0 A.Step 4. Adjust NON-DIR. INST control CCW slowly until the non-directional instantaneous relay activates(contacts 14 and 15 transfer).Step 5. Adjust polarizing voltage source (V O ) for 4.0 Vac at 90( phase angle. Relay should stay tripped.Step 6. Reduce input current (IOP ) to 1.8 A.Step 7. Confirm that output relay (contacts 14 and 15) transfer (open).Step 8. Adjust NON-DIR. INST control fully CW.Instantaneous Overcurrent Pickup Test (Directional)Step 1. Perform preliminary test setup.Step 2. Adjust polarizing voltage source (VO ) for 4.0 Vac at 0( phase angle.Step 3. Adjust DIR. INST. control fully CW.Step 4. Apply (IOP ) input current of 2.0 A.Step 5. Adjust DIR. INST control CCW slowly until the directional instantaneous relay activates (contacts11 and 13 transfer (closes)).Step 6. Adjust V O phase angle until relay contacts transfer (opens) and DIR INST. INHIBIT LED lites(phase angle should be 75(±5().Step 7. Adjust VO phase angle for 0( (relay contacts close).Step 8. Reduce input current (IOP ) to 1.8 A.Step 9. Confirm that output relay contacts open.Step 10. Adjust DIR. INST control fully CW.VO Directional VerificationFor the following tests, it will be necessary to adjust and monitor the magnitude of voltage(s) and current(s)as well as phase angle relationship between sensing quantities. Record the results on polar graph paperto understand the significance of the results. Blank forms are furnished in this section.Step 1. Perform the preliminary test setup.Step 2. Adjust polarizing voltage source (VO ) for 4.0 Vac at 0( phase angle.Step 3. With the I OP input current source set at 1.0 A (low range) or 2.0 A (high range), and CHAR.ANGLE switch at 0(, vary phase angle of VO input through 360( and note phase angles withinwhich the DIR. TIMING INHIBIT LED is extinguished. When these results are shown on a polarplot, the graph should be a V-shaped line through the origin from -75 to +75(±5(. This plotdefines the trip region as shown in Figure 4-6. The trip region is the shaded portion of the figure(DIR. TIMING INHIBIT LED extinguished).Step 4. Set CHAR. ANGLE switch to 60(.