RDG603A27 – Issue 6 Page 28 of 5913. Control Cables Connect engine speed control cable. With the engine off, ensure that the engine speedcontrol lever achieves full travel from idle to full speed. Adjust if necessary. Check the gearbox shift lever selects positively and that the drive directioncorresponds with the gearshift control lever. Ensure that the gearbox control lever andthe gearshift lever are both in neutral before connection. Adjust if necessary.14. Domestic Battery Bank (with optional Twin Alternator Engines)DANGER:EXPLOSION HAZARD! NEVER SHORT OUT THE BATTERY TERMINALS,INCLUDING WHEN CHECKING THE REMAINING BATTERY CHARGE THIS WILLRESULT IN A SPARK AND MAY CAUSE AN EXPLOSION OR FIRE.WARNING:BURN HAZARD! BATTERIES CONTAIN SULPHURIC ACID. NEVER ALLOWBATTERY FLUID TO COME IN CONTACT WITH SKIN, EYES OR CLOTHING. SEVEREBURNS COULD RESULT. MAKE SURE THE CORRECT PERSONAL PROTECTIONEQUIPMENT IS WORN.Domestic battery banks that are too large create excessive loads on the domestic alternator.Alternators running at maximum output for prolonged periods of time will eventually failprematurely; alternators that fail due to the battery bank being over the maximumrecommended size will not be covered by warranty.Higher output additional alternators, or travel power kits are available: if larger battery banksare required discuss your individual power requirements with the boat builder or enginesupplier. The maximum domestic battery bank is calculated using the following:- Live aboard, three times domestic alternator, maximum output current.- Weekend cruising or hire fleet use, three and a half times domesticalternator, maximum output current.Example 1: