NOOK User Guide 49If you tap on a book with a Download banner, your NOOK begins downloading the book. A progress bar on thebook’s cover indicates how much of the book has been downloaded. Once the book has fully downloaded, you canopen it.NOTE: When you buy a book or periodical, it becomes available to your NOOK, as well as to any NOOKeReader applications installed on your smartphone, tablet or personal computer.Badges on ContentYour NOOK displays the following badges on books and periodicals:• New: This is a new item that has been downloaded to your NOOK and is now ready for reading.• Sample: This is a free sample of a book, magazine or newspaper.• Download: Tap on this book or periodical to download it from your NOOK Library.• Pre-order: This item is available for pre-order. You can order it now, even though it hasn’t been released yet.You will be able to read it the moment it is released.• Recommended: A friend has recommended this book or periodical to you.• LendMe: You can lend this book to a friend.• Lent: This book has been lent to you. The number on the cover indicates the number of days left on the loan.• Returned: This book has been returned to the lender.When a book, magazine or newspaper is being downloaded, a striped bar appears across its cover, indicating that thedownload is in progress.Organising Your Library on ShelvesIn addition to views of all your books, magazines and newspapers, your Library also includes a feature calledMy Shelves where you can create named collections of books, periodicals and files. A shelf is a group of items thatyou have collected under a common name, such as Mysteries or Cookbooks. You can give a shelf any name you like.A book, periodical or file can appear in as many shelves as you like. For example, if your favourite book is a mysterynovel, you could include it on your Favourites shelf as well as on a new shelf you create called Mysteries.Creating a ShelfTo create a shelf, do this:1. In the Library, tap the category menu and select My Shelves.2. Tap the Add Shelf button.A dialog box appears.3. Tap in the text field in the dialog box. When a keyboard appears, type the name of the shelf you want to create.4. Tap Save.Your NOOK creates the shelf, then displays a list of all the items in your Library. It also displays a number inparentheses, indicating how many items are currently in the shelf. When you first create the shelf, this numberis zero.5. Tap the tickbox next to any item you want to add to the shelf that you just created.Use the page up and down buttons on your NOOK to scroll through the list. As you add items to the library,