Manual 2100-587CPage 18 of 5912. VENT RESIZING INSTRUCTIONSWhen an existing furnace is removed from a ventingsystem servicing other appliances, the venting systemis likely to be too large to properly vent the remainingattached appliances.The following steps shall be followed with each of theappliances remaining connected to the common ventingsystem, placed in operation one at a time while theother appliances remaining connected to the commonventing system are not in operation.1. Seal any unused openings in the venting system.2. Inspect the venting system for proper size andhorizontal pitch, as required in the National FuelGas code, ANSI Z223.1 or the CAN/CGA B149Installation Codes and these instructions. Determinethat there is no blockage or restriction, leakage,corrosion and other deficiencies which could causean unsafe condition.3. In so far as is practical, close all building doors andwindows and all doors between the space in whichthe appliance(s) connected to the venting systemare located and other spaces of the building. Turnon clothes dryers and any appliances not connectedto the venting system. Turn on any exhaust fans,such as range hoods and bathroom exhausts, so theywill operate at maximum speed. Do not operate asummer exhaust fan. Close fireplace dampers.4. Follow the lighting instructions. Place the appliancebeing inspected in operation. Adjust thermostat soappliance shall operate continuously.5. Test for draft hood equipped appliance spillageat the draft hood relief opening after 5 minutes ofmain burner operation. Use the flame of a match orcandle.6. After it has been determined that each applianceconnected to the venting system properly vents whentested as outlined above, return doors, windows,exhaust fans, fireplace dampers and any other gas-burning appliances to their previous conditions ofuse.7. If improper venting is observed during any of theabove tests, the venting system must be corrected.13. FRESH AIR INTAKEAll units are built with fresh air inlet slots punched inthe service panel.The default unit is built with blank-off platesinstalled. All capacity, efficiency and cost of operationinformation as required for Department of Energy“Energyguide” Fact Sheets is based upon the freshair blank-off plate in place and is recommended formaximum energy efficiency.One of several other ventilation options may beinstalled. Refer to model number and/or supplementalinstallation instructions.14. CONDENSATE DRAINA plastic drain hose extends from the drain pan atthe top of the unit down to the unit base. There areopenings in the unit base for the drain hose to passthrough. In the event the drain hose is connected to adrain system of some type, it must be an open or ventedtype system to assure proper drainage.