Manual 2100-365KPage 32ROUTINE MAINTENANCE1. Air Filters ñ Check the condition at least monthlywhen the unit is in use, and replace as necessary.2. Lubrication Requirements ñ The indoor circulatingair blower motor and outdoor circulating air fanmotor are permanently lubricated and require no re-oiling. The combustion air blower motor requires nore-oiling.ROUTINE INSPECTION1. Inspect the physical support of the unit annually tomake sure it is securely fastened to the building.Also look for any obvious signs of deterioration.2. Inspect the main burners at the beginning of eachheating season and clean as necessary.3. Inspect the vent terminal and combustion air intakehood for any obvious deterioration, to make sure it isfree and clear of any obstructions.29. REPLACEMENT PARTSANNUAL MAINTENANCERoutine inspection and maintenance procedures are theresponsibility of the user and are outlined below.1. Before inspecting unit:a. Turn room thermostat to lowest or off setting.b. Turn off equipment gas shut off valve.c. Wait for unit to cool if it was recentlyoperating.d. Turn off electrical power to unit.2. Inspect the following:a. Vent terminal and combustion air intaketerminal. Make sure both are free fromobstructions.b. Vertical Vent Applications ñ Inspect ventingsystem. Make sure system has no holes, isphysically sound and free from obstructions.c. Make sure the supply and return air flangesleeves or duct work are securely fastened tounit and physically sound.d. Supply and return grilles must be open andfree from obstructions.e. Inspect to make sure the unit is securelyfastened to the wall. Seal any possible leaksbetween unit and wall with appropriateexterior sealing material.f. Inspect burners, heat exchanger, induceddraft blower, and induced draft blowercollector box. There must be no obvioussigns of deterioration.g. Inspect all electrical connections and wiring.h. Check all gas piping for leaks with soapsolution used to detect leaks.i. Inspect, clean, and repair as needed the entireblower assembly, air filters, draft inducer,cooling coils, and vent options (if installed).Replacement parts for the gas/electric units areavailable through local distributors.A replacement parts list manual is supplied with eachunit. When ordering parts or making inquirespertaining to any of the units covered by theseinstructions, it is very important to always supply thecomplete model number and serial number of the unit.This is necessary to assure that the correct parts (or anapproved alternate part) are issued to the serviceagency.WARNINGDisconnect electrical power before servicingunit. Failure to do so could result in electricalshock or death.WARNINGTurn off electrical power supply to preventinjury from moving parts or electric shock.WARNINGUse replacement parts listed in ReplacementParts list. Failure to do so could causeimproper furnace operation, resulting inproperty damage, personal injury, or death.