System manual Coronis 5MP 139MEDICALMEDICALMEDICALMEDICALMEDICAL SOFTWSOFTWSOFTWSOFTWSOFTWARE INSTARE INSTARE INSTARE INSTARE INSTALLAALLAALLAALLAALLATIONTIONTIONTIONTIONInstall MediCal on the PC. Follow the instructions from the MediCalUser Guide.ImportImportImportImportImportant:ant:ant:ant:ant: Do not forget you have to have Administrator privileges toinstall or uninstall MediCal.OPTICAL SENSOR CONNECTIONOPTICAL SENSOR CONNECTIONOPTICAL SENSOR CONNECTIONOPTICAL SENSOR CONNECTIONOPTICAL SENSOR CONNECTIONIf you are using an X-Rite DTP92 sensor for conformity calibration andconsistency check, connect the sensor to one of the display's SensorSensorSensorSensorSensorplugs or to a free PC COM port.USING MEDICALUSING MEDICALUSING MEDICALUSING MEDICALUSING MEDICALYou can now use MediCal to configure the complete configurationand set up the Q/A tasks.Proceed as follows:1 Start MediCal. If appropriate, you can connect to MediCalAdministrator.2 Set up the configuration in MediCal by using the ConfigurationConfigurationConfigurationConfigurationConfigurationSetupSetupSetupSetupSetup wizard.3 If necessary, align the displays' geometry settings.4 For all the displays in the system, check if the DPMS setting isturned on. Therefore, right-click on the display icon and selectProperties...Properties...Properties...Properties...Properties... from the drop-down menu. Then click on DetDetDetDetDetails...ails...ails...ails...ails...Check if the PowersavePowersavePowersavePowersavePowersave option is checked. If not, check it. This isnecessary to use the DPMS possibilities of the imaging board.5 For all the displays in the system, define (if necessary) and selecta Preset.6 After selecting the Preset, MediCal starts consistency calibrationautomatically.7 Define the Q/A task schedule.8 Run the due tasks.Please refer to the MediCal User Guide for more information.MediCal software installation and usage