17Finding tracks or counter positions on the tapeWhile the tape recorder is playing, youcan make it find the next track simplyby pressing the step button, STEP>.Or, you can make it play the currenttrack again by pressing Press the previous track.Pressing the step button several timesmakes the tape recorder searchforwards or backwards for as manytracks as you specify.Noise reductionYou can also rewind or fast forward thetape to a specific counter position.To do so, you must first pause the taperecorder by pressing STOP. While thetape is paused, press to rewind or fast forward the tape.When you reach the position you want,press STOP to pause the tape recorder;or press TAPE to start playing the tapedirectly.Press to step to the next track on thetapePress to play the current track againPress previous trackPress to pause the tape recorderthenRewinds the tapeorFast forwards the tapePress to stop winding and resumeplayingSTEP>STOPTAPESTEP>The display glows steadily when noise reduction isON, and blinks when it is OFFNote: The noise reduction system is automaticallyreset to ON during recording.The noise reduction system is set to ONfrom the factory. If you wish to changethis setup, you may do so by pressingthe MODE button.The display then shows the currentnoise reduction state: glowing steadilyfor ON, blinking for OFF.Press MODE again to change from ONto OFF, or vice versa.Press to see the current noisereduction statethenPress again to change from ON toOFF, or vice versaMODEMODE