Use the low-pressure tire gauge.Caution:The low-pressure tire gauge is included asstandard equipment. conduct two measurements ifthe tire pressure and use the second reading.Dustor dirt in the gauge would cause the First reading tobe incorrect.Set pressure when tires are in cold and set tirepressures to the condition following specifications:1.Low-pressure tire gauge:Tire wear limitWhen the tire groove decreases to 3mm due towear.a.3mm(0.12in)R e c o m m e n d e dpressure Minimum MaiximumFrontRear20Kpa(0.20kgf/cm 2 )25Kpa(0.25kgf/cm 2 )17Kpa(0.17kgf/cm 2 )22Kpa(0.22kgf/cm 2 )23Kpa(0.23kgf/cm 2 )23Kpa(0.28kgf/cm 2 )-13-