28286. To set the fence perpendicular to the table, place asquare on the table and against the side of thefence, loosen the top lock nuts (D) and adjust thesetscrews (E) until the fence is perpendicular.Retighten lock nuts.7. The pointer window (F) position can be adjusted ifneeded. Loosen pan head screws (G), reposition thepointer window and retighten pan head screws.Aligning Table T-Slot Parallel with Blade1. The table T-slot must be aligned parallel with the blade.Using a combination square (A), measure the distancefrom the back edge of the blade to the table T-slot.2. Pivot blade forward 180º and remeasure the distanceusing the exact same point on the blade. The differencebetween both measurements must be equal to or lessthan 1/64” (0.39mm).3. If an adjustment is necessary, loosen the screws (Fig.25) which fix the table.4. Make the needed adjustment until both measurementsare equal or less than 1/64” (0.39mm) and retighten thescrews.Fig. 23Fig. 25Fig. 24