BABOLAT PLAY USER’S GUIDE 14The PULSE – How does it Work?Figure 13OverviewThe Pulse is a visualization of your Playing style and youroverall ranking in the BABOLAT PLAY tennis community withyour Pulse Average Score. The Pulse is based on 3 aspects:technique, Power and Endurance. After 2 validatedsessions, your Pulse starts to appear. It will be completelyactive after 6 sessions (figure 13).Your Pulse beats accordingly with your tennis Playfrequency. The more you play & synchronize on a regularbasis, the more rapidly your Pulse beats. It will also changecolor whenever you unlock new skills. If you stop Playing,the beat rate will slow down gradually.The grey shape with the dash outline is your last validatedsession. The average score indicates your overall Pulserating.Note: If you haven’t played for more than 3 months, your Pulse will stop beating. Gettingback onto the court will reactivate your Pulse. Take care of your Pulse, play often.The endurance index is linked with your Play frequency and to the energy you use duringeach session. It indicates your ability to sustain a long and strong effort.The technique index is based on your ability to consistently hit the ball in the Sweetspot foreach type of shot.The power index is the mean value of the power for all your shots. Every shot is counted.