PAG 72 / 74USER MANUAL NUMBER/VERSION: MU-001/4.0 DATE OF APPLICATION: 01/09/13C/ R. Carrasco i Formiguera, 308192 Sant Quirze del Vallès [Barcelona - Spain]T +34 935442003 F +34 info@batec-mobility.como The BATEC or its parts have been damaged as a result ofnegligence, accident or inadequate use.o Alterations have been made to the BATEC or to the parts,that do not respect the manufacturer's specifications orrepairs have been carried out without informing theauthorised distributor or technical service.∞ BATEC MOBILITY shall have the right, in all claims, to request that allthe components be sent, with courier services prepaid to BATECMOBILITY by the claimant, for their replacement or repair. In the eventthat the parts are found to be faulty, BATEC MOBILITY will determine ifthe components shall be replaced, repaired or kept.∞ This warranty does not include transportation costs, dispatch or labourto remove or reinstall. BATEC MOBILITY shall invoice any expensescaused if it is determined that the component or components are notfaulty or in any case are not faulty under the terms of this warranty.∞ Repair or replacement of a faulty part shall be made only by BATECMOBILITY or by an official BATEC MOBILITY official service, dulytrained.∞ BATEC MOBILITY does not guarantee the tradeability or suitability forany purpose in particular of its components and makes no guarantees,whether explicit or implicit, other than the limited warranty attached.∞ As to the spare parts installed after the start of the original warranty,we grant two (2) years of warranty. In the case of the BATTERY, giventhat it is deemed a consumable, the replacement unit will have awarranty equivalent to the remaining term of warranty until reachingone (1) year from the date of delivery of the BATEC:∞ This warranty is non-transferrable: This warranty is valid only for theoriginal user registered, who may provide accreditation by showing thereceipt of purchase of the product.