User ManualPage 16 of 436.6.6.6. Connect the Wired Client to the Ethernet port of the WL559E similar toConnect the Wired Client to the Ethernet port of the WL559E similar toConnect the Wired Client to the Ethernet port of the WL559E similar toConnect the Wired Client to the Ethernet port of the WL559E similar tothe setup shown below.the setup shown below.the setup shown below.the setup shown below.Setup DiagramSetup DiagramSetup DiagramSetup DiagramConfigure the WL559E as a Wireless APUse theUse theUse theUse the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E alsoalsoalsoalso as a Wireless Accessas a Wireless Accessas a Wireless Accessas a Wireless Access Point,Point,Point,Point, to turn a regularto turn a regularto turn a regularto turn a regularmodemmodemmodemmodem----router into a wireless capable networking device torouter into a wireless capable networking device torouter into a wireless capable networking device torouter into a wireless capable networking device to be ablebe ablebe ablebe abletotototo connectconnectconnectconnect totototo wirelesswirelesswirelesswireless----enabled devices such as laptops andenabled devices such as laptops andenabled devices such as laptops andenabled devices such as laptops andsmartphones.smartphones.smartphones.smartphones.To setup theTo setup theTo setup theTo setup the Aztech WL559EAztech WL559EAztech WL559EAztech WL559E asasasas aaaa WWWWireless AP:ireless AP:ireless AP:ireless AP: Connect a PCConnect a PCConnect a PCConnect a PC/laptop to the/laptop to the/laptop to the/laptop to the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E. Plug an Ethernet cable to the. Plug an Ethernet cable to the. Plug an Ethernet cable to the. Plug an Ethernet cable to theEthernet port at the base portion of the device.Ethernet port at the base portion of the device.Ethernet port at the base portion of the device.Ethernet port at the base portion of the device. Once a connection toOnce a connection toOnce a connection toOnce a connection tothe device is established, your PC/laptop will receive an IP addressthe device is established, your PC/laptop will receive an IP addressthe device is established, your PC/laptop will receive an IP addressthe device is established, your PC/laptop will receive an IP addressand you can start the configuration uand you can start the configuration uand you can start the configuration uand you can start the configuration using the web graphical usersing the web graphical usersing the web graphical usersing the web graphical userinterface.interface.interface.interface.