4 5INTRODUCTIONSYMBOLS USED IN THIS MANUAL:DANGER!Maximum caution should be observed to prevent fatal injury orpermanent harm.WARNING!Denotes that an extreme inherent hazard exists which very likely couldresult in death or serious injury if proper precautions are not taken.CAUTION!Take precautions to prevent injury and/or damage to the boat and itscomponents.The purpose of the owner’s manual is not to be a complete ser-vice guide or repair handbook, but to guide the owner into thecharacteristics of his/her new boat and to handle it in a properway.CE-CATEGORY – CThis boat belongs to category C. The CE-categories means that boats ineach category must be designed and constructed to withstand the fol-lowing parameters in respect of stability, buoyancy, and other relevantessential requirements stated. One requirement is that the boats mustbe easy to manoeuvre.A. OceanThese boats are designed for extended voyages, where conditionsexperienced may exceed wind force 8 Beaufort Scale and include sig-nificant wave heights of at least 4 metres. Under such conditions theseboats must be largely self-sufficient.B. OffshoreThese boats are designed for offshore voyages, where conditions up toand including wind force 8 Beaufort Scale and significant wave heightsup to and including 4 metres may be experienced.C. InshoreThese boats are designed for voyages in coastal waters, large bays, estu-aries, lakes and rivers, where conditions up to and including wind force6 Beaufort Scale and significant wave heights up to and including 2 mmay be experienced.IDENTIFICATIONEach boat is supplied with a unique identification code, containing thedata described below. The identification code comprises 14 charactersplus a hyphen. The height of the code text is 6 mm and it is applied tothe starboard side of the stern. The identification code reads as follows:FI – AXOC8001E414FI Country of manufacture- HyphenAXO Manufacturer: ___________C8 Boat model001 Boat numberE Month of manufacture: A = January, B = February, etc..4 Year of manufacture14 Model yearMANUFACTURER’S PLATEThe cooperation with VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland) meansthat VTT as an external and independent organisation has inspectedthat the boat fulfils the Recreational Craft Directive and related stand-ards requirements. The manufacturer’s plate is always fitted close to thesteering position in the boat. The manufacturer’s plate gives the follow-ing information:BOAT TYPE Boat modelDESIGN CATEGORY Boat class. See additional information in thechapter CE-category.MAX. NO Maximum number of persons on boardMAX. LOAD Buoyancy. Total weight of persons includingpersonal luggage (excluding tank contents).ID OF NOTIFIEDAUTHORITYVTTA comprehensive explanation of the information given on the plate ispresented in each chapter respectively in this manual.(Load and max. engine power)CAUTION!The liquids in the built-in tanks are not included in the max. load shownon the Manufacturer’s plate.WARNING!You must not exceed the max. number of persons of the boat. Regard-ing the number of persons you must also always take into considerationthat the total weight of the persons on board and their personal luggagemust never exceed the max. load of the boat. When out on the water,always use the seats intended for passengers.