59ASUS Xonar D2X7.3 Find Converted Music in “PMP Music” PageThe default conversion destination folder is C:\Program Files\ASUSPMP\PMPMusic\. You can easily click the PMP Music page to find the converted musiclibrary. The new file name will be copied and suffixed with the data rate and DH (ie.Dolby Headphone) or DVS (ie. Dolby Virtual Speaker) if the effect is applied. Forexample:Original file name: ABCD.mp3Converted file name: ABCD_192K_DH.mp3 (meaning the data rate is 192Kbpswith Dolby Headphone post-processing applied)No Item Description1 PMP Music page This page shows the converted music library stored in thePMP Music folder.2 Music Information This window will display the song name and its artist, length,and size in the PMP Music folder.12